MovieChat Forums > tb1976 > Replies

tb1976's Replies

No, someone just stated why they didn't want to go to their graduation. I really didn't want to go. Keep praying buddy. Okay, well, I have very strong feelings about a man who failed to jail paedophiles and appears to want to do MORE of turning a blind eye to the invasion and take over of the United Kingdom. Nice one. I am British by birth and yes, I have dual citizenship and why is it any of your business. Are you the type that likes to grill people because they post things you don't like. I made a comment. Suck it up. Take teddy and go night night. Ah, okay. Well, Oh yes, people are VERY concerned here. How adorable that you can't string together an argument and the only thing you have is pointing out my spelling errors. British and American. Why wouldn't it be? Ah, so you resort to insults which translates to I need to change my panties and incapable of thinking critically and arguing professionally. Define 'white privledge'. Actually, I stand corrected. It happened in 2011 under a Tory government, but still, the problem is getting worse and Starmer is not the answer, but an advanced poison. And, in regard to to your F word usage at my response and post, I see I touched a nerve. A famous leader and one of my favourites actually stated that when words turn nasty in an argument, the person using them as a comeback has already lost. Take care. Certainly didn't happen before he was stupidyly voted in. Point is, people have seen what mass migration has done to the UK yet voted for him who will only bring in more. Too right. Perhaps the dark activies of that town brought out/played on their dark ways. A little late, but perhaps Sonny abanonded him because the plan was foiled and they no longer needed each other. Might wanna block yourself then. I will admit, it was an inspiration. Okay...yeah, I copied. So what. Me and the OP are on the same page. one hundred percent correct.