MovieChat Forums > tb1976 > Replies

tb1976's Replies

I think he's had it up the BUTT too many times, if you get what I mean. He's wetter than water. I think him and is slag Rayner are probably the most demonic next to doris and everybody else that have allowed and caused mahem over the last four years. This is Britain 2024, with any luck, I'll have my finances in order and be out of here by this time next year. Cluthing at straws are we? Which president showers with young girls? That's comedy gold and thank you so much for the laugh. Education, or indoctrination. long as it fits your narrative. Face it, you people are perverts. Pervert. I'm sure you would -- freeddom to vandalise, pervert, freedom to kill the unborn, destroy and force compliance. Sounds about like your ilk. Same here. I really don't see them making a whole lot of noise though. Rather dementia donnie than the pedo party. Is that the best you can do? Absolutely Uh- NO, after heaing what I have been hearing about it. My thoughts exactly. In fact, 'disgrace' might be an understatement. Repulsive, maybe? IF IT'S CHILDREN'S HAIR, IT CERTAINLY DOES EQUATE! How about the current pedo and chief allowing a full fledged invasion of the United States? Pedophilia and treason are crimes. How about the potato and chief allowing a full fledged invasion of the United States? Treason is indeed a crime. And let's not forget about his love for little children's hair. Which is why biden should never have been allowed to run. Oh, Mr Trump? He's a political felon. Not the same thing. How about a vote for stability and incumbency over criminality, degeneracy...? Which is why I'm voting for Mr Trump. BTW, your 'white supremancy' narrative was comedy gold. Many MANY blacks and Hispanics are voting for Mr Trump. If you didn't go to that prom (the black prom) then you were probably one of the only ten (twenty tops) or so people left alive in that graduating class. I think some left early and some just didn't go; maybe some went but managed to get out somehow.