MovieChat Forums > tb1976 > Replies
tb1976's Replies
Good point. However, I'm wondering maybe if this stupidity act of his is just a way of playing into the public's hands. Here in the UK, doris johnson (Boris Johnson) used the baffoon act and was basically and elected dictator with his love of lockdowns whatnot.
Are you people seeing what you're typing. I could understand if we were talking about Britain or Australia, maybe Canada, definately Europe, but not America. The US Constitution still holds strong -- not as strong, mind you, but strong enough to prevent things like concentratoin camps, etc from becoming a reality in the US.
Very true.
It's kind of hard to rate them individually. They were all extremely dark and gritty. But let's see, I reckon maybe the the second with the old man. It reminds me of the Wooly Swamp song about men who try to rob an old man of his money and pays the ultimate price. The second segment is like a mini film version of that song. Extremely creepy.
Nice to see germs getting disinfected.
Rather a political felon than a paedophile.
Kinda hard to find a care. I just came for the comments.
An old post I know, but I'll add my two pence. As someone who used to live in NC for a time, UNCTV and other public stations such as SCTV, used to air these programmes regularly. I watched them all the time on Thursdays and Saturday nights. But when I went back to the states for a few weeks, none of these shows were on; no British or Irish sitcom were on the public broadcasting stations. I assume now, thanks to DVDs and streaming, etc, these are now widely available so showing them on national TV is just not worth it anymore. Folks cold buy or stream the episodes, thus, not really need to tune in on a set day or evening. Stations know this so they don't spend the money to rent these programmes anymore; not even on BBC America which the last time I checked showed nil-rated British home improvements shows or films that were considered 'British' enough just because they had one British actor on it, or was written by a British writer. But, even here in the UK, these classic programmes are no longer shown as repeats for reasons relating to them not representing twenty-first century Britain. In other words, sadly, they are politcally incorrect and the BBC and its afiiliates such as Channel 4, etc want people to watch multiccultural and often largely historically incorrect programs, such as those that have black actors playing white British historical roles. Not good.
I don't it's possible for a person to lose what they never had.
[–] chilone's reply explains it beautifully.
Good thought. But, I've always assumed the commercial went on; it was going on past the point little Buddy collapsed in that testing room and the way Chalis shouted "STOP IT" meant (from what I always assumed) that he was witnessing the gruesome results of the Big Giveway again, right there in that service station. Also, wasn't Cochran burned/incinerated to death along with what humans he had in the factory, and the androids. However, there were still androids driving around various cities so that they couldn't have made their way back to Santa Mira in just two hours, not if they were on the east coast and midwest. But I guess they became useless and either just crashed or malfuctioned when their controller back in the factory was destroyed. I'll bet people thought of them as just toys or pranks --- those that were still alive.
Then again though, after more thought, would society really collapse because of this. I mean, the snakes and whatnot could be dealt with and emergency services would certainly have the means to prevent future chaos, etc by calming peopel down, providing protection and help for panic-striken people and I'm sure priests and clergy people would be counselling folks.
I think he was probably killed off screen. He was nowhere to be found; television on but he was gone with all the lights on. I think he was killed in order to possible prevent him from phoning authorities and reporting Ellie's kidnapping and the liklihood of another. I do think the motel owner has knowledge of the evil in the factory but either had seen or possibly knew too much too soon and was elimnated just for good measures and eliminate even the tiniest possiblity of the motel owner bringing in authorities just to save himself some trouble when all was said and done. I would also wager that those other residents were slaughtered at Cochran's command in order to prevent them from helping Ellie and Dan.
Also, it's very possible that the other residents of Santa Mira, including Rafferty the Motel owner were not so much aware of the ultimate plans of Cochran even though they knew him to be somewhat of a powerful authority figure with a lot of influence. They probably knew he up to something sinister but not THAT sinister. So maybe they needed to be eliminated. Remember, Teddy the mortician assistant and that homeless guy knew something sinsiter was happening in Santa Mira, and look at what happened to them.
I think it was implied that maybe he was killed (off screen). I do believe Cochran wanted as many people dead as possible, if not for sacrificial reasons but for not leaving anyone left alive who could create a problem after all was said and done. I mean, like you said, he was nowhere to be found -- TV was on, etc. Would he just leave his business and step out knowing he could have been robbed blind.
Interesting. So perhaps maybe thet planets aligning was just a clue or sign because people back three thousand years ago planned the mass sacrifices on the alignment. I just wonder if he was hoping to get away with all the murders he caused afterwards. He certainly would have triggered deaths world-wide. But then again, would there be enough people left alive to bring him to justice.
Well it's a movie message board. People share their opinions. Stay off it if you can't take other people's views.
LOL, perhaps.
Um, no. I mean, certainly Halloween One and Two were just films in Halloween III. However, the rest of the movies happening in the Halloween III universe, especially after the events that occurred in Halloween III which I took to have occurred in aututmn of '82, would have been a problem because would there be enough peope left alive after the events of Halloween III in order for there to be a film industry, or any industry or any hints of a pre- autumn1982 world for that matter? I got the impression that the world would have been severely screwed up after the 'big giveaway even though Cochran himself was burned alive, due to population loss and continuing chaos resulting from what still went down that night -- masks over America and the rest of the civilised world, going off at 9.00. This would, as you've seen, create a plague of deadly snakes everyhwere, including places where rattle snakes do not inhabit. Basically, from what was implied, there would be an end to civilisation as we know it. Cochran said the "world is going to change tonight."
It doesn't really matter. I mean the 1996 take on R&J never mattered. However, with all the blackwashing (no hate intended) of historic and fictional characters that has been going on since really 2005, people are going to be turned off by it. What if there was an all white Jeffersons or Good Times movie?
This killing in Russellville does conincide with the randomness of Michael just out of the blue, murdering his sister. Maybe an unexplored backstory where a particular evil does haunt the areas of Russellville and Haddonfield -- maybe this evil ties in with the evil in Halloween III; the spirit of Samhain. Perhaps sacricifes were made to honour Samhain in those two places and the ancient evil still somewhat lingers -- gets stronger ever year then dies a little. Maybe various attrocities committed near the areas of around the world even feeds this ancient evil. I know Halloween III was an entirely different story but I seem to recall Cochran implying that the mass sacrifice, one held every so many milleniums happens when certain other things occur which the planets somehow determine, like lots of attrocities, world wars, etc.
I've always thought that Michael really didn't need his eyes, the spirit inside him was guiding him. Notice in part II when he is decending down into the bottom floor after Laurie, he didn't look down at the steps. Most people do, he didn't. He was being guided supernaturally.