KiwiJim's Replies

+1 Let’s just hope they don’t go full woke and cast a god damned woman in the lead. Can you imagine an Alien movie being good with a female hero?? Insanity!! Can’t be bothered, honestly. Unprovoked attacks don’t sit well with me. Happy to avoid that one! There once was a young girl called Tina Whose attitude couldn’t be meaner In her posts she would bait To start racist debate But deep down we know she’s a wiener Yeah that was me taking the piss out of sock puppet guessing games. This, however, is just you making a Wally of yourself. I suppose I should be flattered you care, but it’s slightly creepy since I don’t know you from a fence post. But you do you mate. He’s fucking nuts. But it takes all types, I suppose 🤷‍♂️ I’m in Auckland, New Zealand which I believe is a fair distance from our Canadian punmaster. I’m sure the mods can confirm this for you with a quick IP search, if indeed you want to make yourself look MORE like a raving lunatic :) Lol Try again, professor. Joes I ain’t. Why do you ask, Furry Anus? 7/10 woman bad 123Guy no likey Disappointing, I thought that first season was great. Yes. It finished at 8:30 But you can stream it whenever you want. I thought it was an entertaining filler episode. I liked the design of the bird aliens and the costumes were awesome. I thought it was one of Gatwa’s better performances but the storyline was underwhelming. We all knew the kiss was coming so I wasn’t shocked. I prefer the Doctor when he’s more emotionally distant but he’s been kissy kissy since 2005 so it is what it is. I think Rogue will definitely be back at some point. To be honest I’m more looking forward to finding out if the old bird next door is Susan. Matt Lucas in Polar. I tried changing it to that too and it said I’ve used that one too many times. Yeah I was really surprised when I saw it too. Most actor turned singers are average but she is pitch perfect and there’s some power and growl in those vocals. Yes, I understand that SHE understands that people are stupid enough to care about her relationships, well SOME people are stupid enough, I suppose :) Who you gonna call