Okto101423's Replies

They actually played the warning before the movie too. We have become so soft as a society. She was not. Blink Twice was another movie where all rich white men = bad. Women and non whites = good. Well she is a professional victim and an idiot so of course she liked it They needed a black woman so they could run home the fact that all rich white men are evil rapists At least I thought the reveal would be better than they were just raping them. Looks just as bad as the first two. Hard pass. The play sucked and so will the movie. Because they are braindead liberals obsessed with pushing the trans agenda Not if Biden drops out. No. Deadpool 1 was much better than 2. Compare to a trailer for every other horror movie that comes out these days. This looks way better Not trolling at all actually I think it's funny how the A24 fanbase are the same kids who cry about how evil Capitalism is, but then will shell out $100 for whatever shitty looking merchandise A24 throws at them. The shirts they put out look ridiculously awful. Looks good. Ballsy to remake a classic like this, but Eggers has a good track record so I trust him. It was more anti-Christian than just Trump bashing during the first season He was in it for like 5 seconds. Blink and you miss it type cameo. I would say so. 3 had a more focused story and better humor. It was boring and pretentious as fuck. Just saw it and agree. The last two installments are missing Bay's sense of style that made them work. These last two of felt like generic action comedies.