Creamofdacrop884's Posts

Not just bad, but shockingly boring Is the Killers mask suppose to be Joe Biden What's worse? This or Exorcist: The Beginning? Is Danny McBride as much to blame as DGG? No way the trilogy happens Reviews are starting to pop up on Letterboxd The best looking worst movie ever? What was worse? This or Friday the 13th (2009) They pretty much just remade the first movie Cosby was such a terrible actor Did anyone who played the games actually enjoy this? Falsely advertised as a horror movie One of Cage's worst VOD movies Convinced this wasn't originally suppose to be a Die Hard movie Disugsting Then worst editing in film I've ever seen One of the Worst Sequels Ever Made One of the only movies I've ever walked out of Why did they make this one PG-13? Worth watching after Season 1?