Creamofdacrop884's Posts

The Worst Happy Madison Movie Liked the Fat Albert show. HATED this movie! Ironic it's a movie about poop Anyone else who liked the first two hated this one? $17 for a short film?! Seeing this in theaters was quite an exprience Was this the worst studio comedy of the past decade? Anyone else who waited tables hate this movie? Is this the worst Blumhouse movie? Did any of you see this in theaters when it came out? Can't think of a movie that's a bigger waste of time than this Saw this in theaters 2nd Weekend at Box Office: $2.7 Million. 67% Drop from last weekend! Could this possibly be as bad as Exorcist II? Will everyone speak in the monotone the whole time in this one too? Rank The Series I like Vaughn, but can he move on from the spy stuff? The 3D in this looked like shit Favorite of the Republican candidates