MovieChat Forums > ByTheVineyard > Posts
ByTheVineyard's Posts
Pick the best movie of 2023
Great movie 7/10
It started great but towards the end it ended up 6/10
WARNING. Borefest that doesn't make any sense
Recommended to watch this first and never watch the original
Mediocre and boring 5/10
Come and see my IMDb list of some of the worst movies ever made
It's a movie you see once and never again 7/10
Mel Gibson is trying to do it Carlito's way but he is failing
1/10 I only watched 7 minutes of it
At the lows of mediocrity 3/10
It only has 6.6/10 because of the cast
Nice movie 7/10
Entertaining 7/10
Rank The Series
She is so white it's racist
Best movie of Richard Gere and an outstanding horror 7/10
Come and see my updated IMDb list: ''Worst movies of all time with high rating''
Not convincing gangsters 5/10
Mediocre 5/10