MovieChat Forums > Frodrick > Replies
Frodrick's Replies
I see many young guys that sport limp facial hair that is not attractive. I see many young women who overdo eye makeup so that it makes them look like a raccoon.
Beach Blanket Bingo
Groundhog Day
Apocalypse Now, Wall Street, Cadence
The Andy Griffin Show, Red Skeleton Show, Dick Van Dyke Show, Carol Burnett Show, Cheyenne.
Better question. Who would you rather boff, Mrs. Cleaver or Mrs. Brady?
Carefully placed the pizza on the ground and...
So I grabbed my AR-15 and shot a 30 round clip thru the front door.
The Enemy Below
Curly Howard, John Candy
Alec Guinness. Jacqueline Bisset, John Cleese.
L.A. Confidential (1997)
Sean Bean in Patriots Game.
Leave the gun, take the cannoli.
Dentists if your counting suicide rate. Day after day having to face people's mouths would drive me crazy.
I share my hometown with Jack Lemmon, Matt Damon, Matt LeBlanc and Christopher Lloyd. Salute Newton, Massachusetts USA
Play it Again Sam, Take the Money and Run. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask.
Overton a part of Miami, Florida. My car broke down and had to walk to phone for help and was saved by cops just as 3 kids were set to jump me.
Frank Drebbin, George Bailey, Arthur Dietrich, Sugar Kowalcyzk, Philip Marlowe