MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are People Looking Uglier?

Are People Looking Uglier?

“The average person’s face is becoming increasingly disadvantaged by modern diets, sleeping patterns, pollutants and orofacial habits creating a greater inequality in ‘the attractives’ vs ‘the unattractives’.”

“development of the face is dependent on the forces you put on it, for the upper and lower jaw,” which is what tends to define an “attractive or handsome” face.

I'm guessing 15-year-old boys still want to hump anything in a skirt today...


Kind off fake news. I mean they're right but not for all this pseudoscientific nonsense.

Obesity rates are at all time highs and have been increasing since the early 1960s.

High body fat percentage = less lean and defined facial features.

Another factor is fashion. Women change their makeup styles over the decades depending on what's hip. Different hairstyles come and go. At body fat percentage and fashion parity there is no difference.


People are making themselves uglier by permanently disfiguring their faces and bodies. Some think it's fashionable to mar their skin with tattoos, stretch their earlobes out of shape with "plug" or "gauge" earrings, wear nose rings (the kind seen on pigs) and inject Botox into their faces. Add to this slovenly attire and a lack of pride in grooming.

Take a look at old movies that were filmed on location, or watch rebroadcasts of classic sporting events (NFL Network airs past Super Bowls). Compare shots of the crowds to what is seen in public today, and you will see how our society is regressing and devolving. The sad part is this is being done voluntarily.


Botox is the absolute worst along side with those disgusting lip injections, makes normal attractive girls look like disfigured transsexual clowns


I agree, but maybe for different reasons. I think it might be the location. I think women were prettiest in the 70s (longer hair and other feminine traits help) but when I was in Melbourne, I saw so many beautiful women, but the last time I went to the supermarket, I saw plenty of good looking women... And I prefer them over any time in Hollywood, with along with models aren't my type. Can't do much with 90 lbs.


Australian Chicks are Hot as Fuck


I see many young guys that sport limp facial hair that is not attractive. I see many young women who overdo eye makeup so that it makes them look like a raccoon.


No, middle-aged people are looking better and better, at least the ones who take care of themselves do, they don't wrinkle up like middle-aged people used to.

No, my big objection to how people look today, is how badly dressed they are.


I’m incredibly hot.
Everyone’s always like ‘Holy shit, are you an American Gladiator on that TV game show?’ and I’m like hell no, I’m way too muscular and handsome for that clown show nonsense!

I just eat Spinach and Steroids, I’m huge and possibly sterile and bald:(


i think people look and act younger today. my parents seemed ancient in their 50s.


plastic, fluoridated water, other pollutants the government is allowing into us citizens
