MovieChat Forums > Melton > Replies
Melton's Replies
He must from now on be referred to as ‘Keelie’
He has taken Skavau’s place as Head Sister (assuming of course that he isn’t a literal Skavau sock which is a distinct possibility)
Yes, the light of truth causes a Leftist to turn red, thrash around spew vitriol like Regan.
They respond to facts like vampires to a crucifix.
I know you predatory homosexuals love to take down a straight guy if you can but you’ll have no luck here. Come on, don’t you have enough fellow Sisters to play sponge to your stone, StoneKeeper?
Nice cope but your relentless TDS posts say otherwise 😉
Cry another one for me…
My pleasure.
I’m sure your hand wasn’t ‘idle’ on viewing her photos.
KingBob you’ve made a valiant attempt to reason with Flimflam, but it will always be ultimately futile.
Flimflam’s loyalty is to the cult of the Left, the same cult that persuaded him to hack off his daughter’s healthy breasts and mutilate her into some hideous approximation of a ‘man’.
He will defend the cult and all its evil tenets to the death for to accept its true nature would be to admit that he has become a child abuser, and that is intolerable.
You can employ as much reason and empathy as you like but you might as well be talking to a brick wall. Flimflam’s only goal is to infect you with the same morally insane mind virus that corrupted him, and if he can’t do that… to waste your time and exhaust your patience.
When dealing with a Leftist, remember Father Merrin’s words to Father Karras in The Exorcist:
<blockquote>“Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen to him. Remember that – do not listen.”</blockquote>
I wrote more about the demonic nature of the Left here:
They are the property of gifted pornstar Kelly Monaco.
You are encouraged to google her now and thank me later.
The Sisters have now recruited a new bitch - Ranb!
Regular uses will recognise this rampant little queer as the TDS sufferer in chief, cry-posting multiple times a day on the Trump board 🤣
Hey Bloodslot, has your anus healed from being Ranbed all night?
Keep crying Commie, your entire corrupt Deep State apparatus is being demolished as we speak, and your relentless TDS postings are confirmation of your tears. Cheers! 💦🍻
Yep, this is why Leftists are referred to as Spiteful Mutants. They’re actually a genetic mutation within humanity that seeks to destroy the race for their own pleasure.
They don’t seek anything positive or constructive, only the destruction of all things good and true.
In harsher times, such mutants would have been cleansed from the gene pool, but in our soft times they are nurtured, pandered to, fed soy… until they grow into creatures like Flimflam, who encouraged his own child to hack off her healthy breasts 🤦🏻♂️
And watching you wail about those ‘dangerous consequences’ to your cancerous cult that has been destroying America is a glory to behold.
Seethe and cope more! Dance for MAGA! 👏🏻 Dance! 👏🏻
I don’t think anyone who has interacted with a Leftist could disagree with those observations.
Ask a Leftist to explain your position and they’ll draw a blank… then downshift to ‘you’re just a racist’.
I knew you had the mind of a child (which makes your attempts to talk politics hilarious), but you’re actually a kid..?
It’s hilarious. These ‘sneaky’ Leftoids think they can infiltrate and manipulate non-cult members… but they might as well be wearing a massive red siren on their head that blares out the Communist manifesto 🚨🤣
Keep up the Rage-Dance!
Your whole corrupt-ass citadel of evil is being dismantled and there’s <i>nothing</i> you can do about it! 👏🏻🤣
Dance! 👏🏻 Dance! 👏🏻
<blockquote>I am a right winger</blockquote>
Sure Jan.
Who the fuck do you think you are? 🤣
Eat shit you little turd. You can fuck off even more than the dickhead OP.
Ranb deleted this one in a hurry 🤣