Foster1486's Replies

I would say it is epic Not sure what "American Propaganda" movies are?? Are they better or worse than the 3rd world countries, you live in, movies?? NOT the 1st time Kael got it wrong Proving that They have back-up system after back-up, after back-up systems The US builds the safest Nuke plants in the world Sadly the 3 mile Island thain killed the construction of them The last one was licenced in the early 90s Not so sure her career ended, She was in some good stuff before, and after The Kill Bill movies, and is still working pretty steadily, Pulp Fiction and the Kill Bill movies are the highlight of her career so far Uhhh How much of that was available in 1983?? ONLY if it started with Jack Byrnes funeral and didn't have a flashback to his life Didn't care for Legend, --- Days of Thunder is worth a mention I grew up in small town in NW PA worked as a bartender till I was 25, Most all bars have a crowd of regulars People that show up everyday, all day, some there when they open, or come by for lunch after 3;30 4 o'clock you get the afterwork crowd This is true of the Dive Bars right up to the private clubs At 25 I got into construction 1st as a carpenter building a Nuclear Power Plant in TX, then 30 years of construction as a boomer--- Went where the work was--- Became a Project superintendent that last 15 years and I can tell you it is the same everywhere At least Local Bars --- Some hotel and motel bars don't get the regulars but get the business thru food Naaa By then he had it, --- The movie didn't hurt but didn't make him Risky Business, Top Gun, & The Color of Money put him on the map If it took place in the hood Could we call the Black Trash people?? Uhhh Hollis wasn't there to have his rights violated At that point we don't know how long he'd been gone that time When he died he was almost 500M$s in debt She wasn't very talented to start with --- She proved it doesn't take much to get a Oscar --- Fake an orgasm with Billy Bob?? I didn't even know the did a #3 till this evening --- It's on SyFy and I started watching it Just went past the Chinese restaurant scenes and , well This movie sucks, to much syfy bs going on Because NO-ONE with a working brain gives a shit England COULD have been considered a war zone at that time --- There was a night time bombing during one of the meets with the Major and the generals England COULD have been considered a war zone at that time As I understand it from the trivia section Trini Lopez quit before the flight and Bowman was there so they would have 13 You don't see Trini on the flight, and when they land He is the one dead in an apple tree --- still leaves 13 Dump the pinned grenades and then Gasoline in and have Jefferson run down dropping a live grenade down each vent The Live grenade going off would have enough spark to light the gasoline and set off the grenades that the pins hadn't been pulled --- Big Big explosion setting off the stored ammo to take down the building, and of course killing everyone in the basement Pretty funny thread