MovieChat Forums > Foster1486

Foster1486 (630)


What ever happened to her Any one have a clue what happened to --- Anybody know--- Always thought he was good, BUT have a question--- She sounds like someone ---- IF this happened to me HOW do you complain about how the site HOW do his glasses I remember when I 1st saw her ---- Watching it now for the 100th time ---- View all posts >


Here career was over way before Trump even thought entering politics Keep in mind -- MOST the Home Guard "gangsters" were not Civil War vets They were guys that didn't want to serve the war just themselves and send OTHERS to do the fighting Cheyenne ---- Watched it Just a little kid but I remember it Watched every week Yeah his movies were OK Night of the Grizzly about the best ---dud-- those c grade westerns weren't so bad either I think I heard he owned a winery good retirement I take showers deeper than you think I just found it on H&I and am watching it -- Ill see if I can find a schedule and get back Well In the Trivia section on IMDB -- IT mentions this and says it would date the move at 1887 SOOOO The Confederate uniform worn by Joe Don Baker 20+ years old ????? NEVER expect Historical Accuracy from Hollywood STILL being a Racist ehhh What Fg Color?? Hahahahahahahaha Are we talking about the same Sinatra?? They worked together on Some Came Running and I'm sure Frank being Frank -- and Shirley being Shirley being herself in an 'Open Marriage" Got together Often Well, I've read that Debra Winger can be even worse --- That's why she went from A list to wherever she is now View all replies >