curiousMInd101's Replies

Are you caught up yet? Have you seen the latest episode? I’m referring to 1x6, not 1x7. My theory is confirmed. Dexter is dating the ethnic friend. I knew they were going to try to make it a thing. You can't go wrong with a love story. Well you can — but you have to be Woke to fuck that up. Thank you B1cksurN. You are the best. No, I mean based. Based as fuck. I came across this comment again and felt compelled to ask: Why did you say that, especially when just a few posts down we both agreed on our assessment of why the TikTok ban happened and seem to align on many political issues aside from cultural and racial topics? Was it just a knee-jerk reaction because you dislike me? If that’s the case, I get it — but I’d ask that you set aside any emotional reactions, and engage <i>your</i> critical thinking skills, and genuinely consider what I’m saying before responding out of anger. Yeah, he is kind of a punk. But... He's still based though. Who are the Nazi politicians? I'm not aware of anyone in congress who represents my interests. If you can't recognize why he's based, then you're simply not going to understand. What's racist about what I said? All I pointed out is that I don’t want a party that prioritizes minorities and Alphabet people. Honestly, this is a pretty tame comment compared to my usual stance. It’s me actually compromising with the left and meeting them more than halfway. If it were entirely up to me, we’d live in a White ethnostate where Alphabet people wouldn’t be allowed in public. And when I advocate for a National Socialist party, sure, on the surface it might come across as provocative or as support for the Nazis. But beneath that, I’m really endorsing the concept of literal National Socialism — meaning a political platform that combines left-wing economic policies with nationalistic culturally conservative social policies. To frame it in a less provocative but more accurate way, I’d describe myself as a Conservative Socialist. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Don’t fear their labels. If they call you a racist, don’t get defensive or deny it — just own it. Say, ‘Yes, I am. So what?’ And never stop calling out the woke cancer that’s rotting away our culture. Even liberal outlets like IGN gave this woke piece of shit a 2/10 — barely dodging a 1, their lowest score — just because they like Michelle Yeoh. Wokeness is cancer. Now everyone fucking knows it. Even the Hollywood press isn’t pretending otherwise anymore. People like you lost. You and you’re kind are going to be pushed out to the fringes of society where you fucking belong, living out your days in the shadows like the rats you are. White Power! o/ Go for it. Just make sure you get it on video and post it here. Also make sure you can either run fast or fight hard. Kowalski I used to be an advocate for the Green Party and supported Jill Stein in 2016 after the Democratic Party cheated Bernie Sanders. However, I’m not sure I could vote for the Greens anymore. Since the era of Howie Hawkins, the party has essentially been compromised. Another complication is that, while I’m still far left on economic issues, I’ve become far right on cultural matters, and I don’t know if the Green Party aligns with me anymore. They might implement many policies I’d support, but I’d need assurance that they wouldn’t push woke social justice agendas designed to prioritize minorities or the Alphabet people. What we need is a National Socialist Party. That's a 3rd party I can get behind. Thank you for sharing that video — it was fantastic. Definitely a great one to have handy the next time some dindu claims they've 'invented everythang.' When I was younger, many guys would dismiss those kinds of romance movies as 'chick flicks,' but I always found them charming in their simplicity. Like you, I miss those classic romances that portrayed a normal, straight White couple falling in love. I used to watch them with my girlfriend, and I truly cherished those moments. Didn't you hear? White people stole all of that from the blacks. Deys invented everything, oh yes dey did, mmmhm. They was Kangs n' Sheiit. According to them, we Whites wouldn't even know how to bathe if it wasn't for blacks. And of course we don't season ay food, no cap fam... Sheeeiiit. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did TVfan.