curiousMInd101's Replies

Yes, there’s definitely an agenda at play, and I’m aware that different iterations of it have been pushed for decades. But I’m specifically referring to the current version that began about three years ago. Diversity was already being pushed hard, but the issue arose when you had movies with a central cast of two characters — like a romance or couple-based story — where the main characters were likely to be the same race. So, the choice was clear: either cast them as the same race, or force diversity, which would result in mixed-race couples. These woke zealots, so blinded by their dogmatic agenda, of course chose to push diversity. And now, we have this new trend where every other movie seems to feature a mixed-race couple. And, as you pointed out, it’s usually a black man with a White woman. But lately, even that isn’t enough for them. They’ve gone a step further, pushing what is, in most cases, the least likely and least believable pairing: a White man with a black woman. And we’re not talking about a light-skinned, "Tyra Banks" type here. No, we’re talking about a fugly ghetto Shaneequa, the kind of woman you might see at your local DMV — a black woman in the most stereotypical sense. It’s absurd. A perfect example of this was in the 2023 series Justified: City Primeval, where you had an older, distinguished White man — think George Clooney — romancing an obese woman of color who looked like she worked at the city DMV office. It was beyond absurd, and frankly, disgusting. This is all being done deliberately to infuriate White people. They hate us, and their goal is clear: to destroy us. This is old news. This has been the case for at least 20 years now. Every time they do this study or survey it's always the same result. What's funny is the same thing is going on in Europe. Even in countries like Poland that are 99% White these globo-homo companies are pushing ads with mixed race couples. It's disgusting. ...That was reported. What's the point of reporting it if nothing is going to be done? Even if the perpetrator is caught, they'll likely be released. And if they aren't released and do face consequences, it will probably just be a slap on the wrist. To do anything else would be racist. I wouldn't put it past Trump. Never forget that the only person Trump truly cares about is himself, above all else. Anything he does for others is simply a means to feed his own ego. Yeah, it’s strange. There is a lot of anti-Semitism in Poland, but I’ve always had a positive view of Jews — just regular European Jews, not the bankers or Zionists. In fact, the region of Poland I come from, northeastern Poland, had a large Jewish community before the war. There’s even some cultural overlap between my ancestors and Jews; we share certain words in our language from that area, as well as some customs and foods. However, everyone on both sides of my family, going back a long way, were Catholic Christians, so I doubt I have any Ashkenazi Jewish DNA. But honestly, I’d be fine with it if it turned out to be the case. I would still consider myself Polish and White. I haven’t taken a test myself, but my first cousin has, and he's 99.99% Polish. Both my parents, along with their parents and grandparents, all come from Poland. On my father's side, I descend from a centuries-old bloodline and a noble family that’s well-known in Poland. So, I’m pretty confident that I’m 99.99% Polish as well. I wish I could tell you my name so you can look it up, but I don't want to dox myself. So, White Power for you? Might I interest you in a little National Socialism? A society that is more equal, one that takes care of its workers, its poor, its elderly, and its disabled, allowing them to live with dignity. A place where workers earn a living wage and are respected for their contributions to society. A society where we are all the same race, share the same culture, and live in a high-trust community, treating each other as brothers and sisters, always ready to lend a helping hand. Where degeneracy and subversive propaganda meant to disrupt our social and family bonds are not tolerated. A society where we love our country and are proud to be a part of it. If all of that sounds good to you, then maybe National Socialism is what you're looking for. And if you're concerned about Jew hate, fear not. I'm not referring to 1930s German National Socialism. What I'm talking about is a literal National Socialism — a left-wing economic project combined with right-wing conservative social values. The perfect combination. The best of both worlds. A socially conservative Welfare state. It’s definitely a new trend. I’m not saying it never happened before — because it did. Even the original Star Trek had that iconic episode with Kirk kissing Uhura, the first interracial kiss on screen, and it was a big deal at the time. What I’m pointing out is that now there’s a clear trend in Hollywood, pushing miscegenation. This started about two to three years ago and really ramped up around late 2023. I’ve started noticing that almost every new movie or show I see features a mixed-race couple. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of the social engineering, I'm sick of the agendas, and I'm sick of the Wokes. I want them all rounded up and removed from society — they are a cancer. Now finally, it seems like we have Trump, who’s actually doing something about it. I didn't vote for the guy, but what he’s doing with all the DEI garbage, purging it from the government and putting pressure on other sectors to purge it too, looks really promising. And it’s starting to look like Hollywood might finally abandon DEI too, which means this decade-long woke nightmare we’ve been living through might finally come to an end Well said. I miss the days when movies and shows were about real stories, driven by strong White male characters — characters who were actually masculine, and not labeled as toxic. Women were women — sexy, beautiful, supportive. And once in a while, we got strong, kick-ass women like Sarah Connor or The Bride from Kill Bill. And it was great to see because they were rare, making their moments all the more special. And they were believable too — because they fought hard to earn their place among the badasses. Then, somewhere around the early 2010s, the neo-Marxist cultural left infiltrated Hollywood. The social justice warriors started imposing their cultural revolution, setting new rules and standards demanding diversity and forcing racial and sexual minorities into every story. It’s all just social engineering, and it’s repulsive. For the last decade, we’ve been subjected to their woke propaganda. But finally, it feels like there’s a light at the end of this dark tunnel. We’re almost there. This woke nightmare is coming to an end. But she's black. It's not that I have an issue with her because she's mixed race — it's the blatant agenda of pushing miscegenation that bothers me. I don’t want to see Dexter, a White man, paired with a Black woman. This is the new trend in Hollywood, where diversity is being forced at every turn, and now they've escalated to promoting race-mixing. Usually, they pair White women with Black men, but now they’ve even started showcasing White men with Black women. I find it repulsive — not only because I oppose miscegenation, but because I refuse to be subjected to this form of social engineering as part of some neo-Marxist cultural revolution these people are pushing. I get what you're saying, and I can accept that. But my issue with this movie isn’t about singling it out — it’s part of a much bigger pattern. Hollywood is literally pushing miscegenation in almost every other movie as part of their diversity agenda. I’m so sick of it. I just want to see normal, heterosexual, same-race couples in interesting stories like we used to. This constant stream of woke propaganda is exhausting. You’ve got a solid grasp of what’s going on — very impressive. I couldn’t have said it better myself, and I have nothing more to add, other that to loudly and proudly say: White Fucking Power! That one always makes their woke heads explode. I hear you, brother. That’s exactly why I’m here — to call it out every single time so people can see just how pervasive and in-your-face it truly is. Eventually, they’ll get annoyed and ask, ‘Why do you keep bringing this up? Just let it go.’ And that’s when I’ll say, ‘Now you finally understand how I feel.’ All I want is for it to stop. But they won’t stop, so I won’t either. The goal is to make them hate it as much as we do, to the point where they can’t ignore it anymore and start speaking out too. If enough of us raise our voices, they’ll eventually get the message. And honestly, I think they are starting to feel the pressure. But shifting the culture is like turning a cruise ship — it takes time to correct the course. We’re getting there, though. We just need to stay relentless. Keep calling it out, and don’t stop until we’ve purged every insufferable woke from every industry, especially Hollywood, so we can finally free ourselves from their toxic, degenerate propaganda. Waging an all out war on DEI. Now you're talking. Corporations should be taxed at a rate of 90%, just as they were during the 1950s under Eisenhower. Eisenhower’s reasoning behind such high tax rates was that they would prevent excessive accumulation of wealth among the top earners, while encouraging reinvestment into the economy. This would, in turn, foster job creation and drive economic expansion. Eisenhower was a Republican, and more Republicans should follow his example. As socialists, we should unite with them to make this happen. As for the neoliberal Democrat and RHINO scumbags, they don't deserve a voice. They should be purged from the halls of power. I agree that she’s not the worst-looking girl I’ve seen, and I don’t have a problem with her as a person or even as a character. My issue lies with the writers and producers who went out of their way to make her mixed-race, clearly to push their diversity agenda. That’s what really pisses me off. But to answer your question, no, I won’t stop watching. It’s just a minor annoyance. I really like the show and am in for the ride. Yes, that’s exactly what I was referring to. It played out almost exactly as I predicted a few weeks ago—Debra set up the date, the ethnic girl came on strong, and Dexter went along with it to keep up the facade of being ‘normal.’ Bonus: he got a BJ as a reward. LOL. Here’s what I said in my post from a few weeks ago: <i>"With that out of the way, yes, I know Dexter has no real interest in Sofia, but that doesn’t mean he won’t end up going on a date with her. I can easily see a scenario where the dad or Debra pushes him into it, or Sofia comes on strong and Dexter agrees to go along with it, maybe to be polite or for some other reason."</i> He should serve as many terms as necessary to cleanse every corner of society of the woke rot that has infiltrated it. Starting with the government, he’s already making strides — a proper, old-school purge. Call it a fascist reckoning or, as FilmFleaur aptly put it, a Soviet-style witch hunt a la Stalin. Either works for me. Both get the job done. The next phase must target private corporations and the business sector. DEI initiatives must be dismantled, and every woke employee pushing social justice, LGBTQLMNOP+-* propaganda, feminism, or anti-racism must be fired and blacklisted, so these agents of degeneracy cannot simply slink off to another institution to spread their poison. After that comes academia and the schools. The Department of Education should be abolished or restructured entirely, eradicating every trace of woke ideology. In its place, we must enforce a new curriculum — one that is pro-White, pro-American, pro-heterosexual, and unapologetically rooted in traditional values. Universities should face defunding until every gender studies, queer studies, anti-racism, and anti-White program is abolished. Far-left administrators, professors, and even students who promote this ideological cancer should be purged without hesitation. A complete and total purge. We are done fucking around. No more half measures — It’s time to go all the way.