MovieChat Forums > nickatnoon61 > Replies
nickatnoon61's Replies
OK, now IIRC, it was "The Grudge" that I saw years ago, and did NOT like it.
Count Floyd is SCARIER than this movie! lol
I saw "Scary Movie" years ago, and it wasn't even scary either! L0L I keep forgetting that this movie came out 21 years ago! Time flies! BTW, it's Jan./2025 now.
No SPLOSIONS either! 2 words...OY VEY! lol
I'm an hour in and very BORED with it so far! The best part was the scape/view of Mt.Fuji!
When did all this 'secret stuff' happen with Tun? Is it revealed at the end, bcuz I don't remember Tun raping any Jap woman? But I started watching this movie 2 days ago, and maybe I forgot that part? Forget it, I just REWINDED the DVD, and now I see that the REVEAL must come later! I watched one of these Jap/Ghost movies years ago and it was BORING too! Only 30 mins left now, so I'll finish it and rate it. Cheers...
LAT71, L0L U think like me! Maybe bcuz I'm 71 now? ;)
Your ...point??? lol You know what they say in J. A. Pan.... "Sake to me!!!"
Good points Agent 88! lol
ANYTHING is possible in the 'movies'.
Airplane movie scene..."Let's TAKE some pictures!!!" :P
Angelina has nice ASSpects.....period.
'seasoned' performance saves SALT??? L0L Gotcha!
A brain will age, but the mind is intangible. It's, if anything, an electrical energy from our brain that connects our entities to the spirit world, as well as the 3D world. Earth also has that same electrical energy, called the Schumann Resonance. That's why I sleep on earthing pads and walk with earthed shoes. (copper rivets). I'm electrically connected to Mother Earth almost 24/7.
I also do a LOT of walking, about 5-10 KMs per day. I stay OFF the ASSphalt as much as possible bcuz it does NOT conduct the healing energy from Mother Earth. It's OIL-based, an INSULATOR. Unsealed concrete DOES conduct that electrical energy though.
To have a very 'electrical day', it's best to walk in the sand/water barefoot at the beach. That really CHARGES your 'batteries'! We will also receive the 'kinetic' energy from the feet interacting with the sand and water.
We also feel great in a rainfall bcuz the friction of the raindrops falling creates OZONE, and why everything feels and smells FRESH during and after a heavy rainfall!
I also use a water swirler with magnets on my shower nozzle! It energizes the water which transfers that energy to my body. All my drinking/cooking water is also ozonated as well as vitalized!(restructured).
A 'mind' is not flesh and blood so it doesn't 'age' like our bodies do. The 'mind' is the workings from a brain, which of course ages and sometimes gets physically damaged from drugs, bad diets, and from emotional trauma. It's all closely connected though.
While the brain controls a person's movements, emotions, and various bodily functions, the mind alludes to a person's morality, reasoning, and comprehension. The brain is a physical organ. It can be touched and/or seen. However, the mind is intangible; it can neither be touched nor seen.
DITDark, Methinx it's safe to say that adultery is NOT on the same level of EVIL as murdering, extorting, and robbery! These are probably THREE of Marty's (Scorsese) FAVorite things! L0L He's done a TON of Mob Movies over the years!
jensmile, you said..."Not to mention she was a Dr/therapist who had sex with an extremely vulnerable patient." I say... "I thought I axed you NOT to mention that!" L0L I watched a LOT of comedy growing up! It helped me keep a SOH about life! So far so good... :P
Speeed, Methinx the term is "emotionally ABSENT"! Colin S. was guilty of that with the Head 'Doctor'.("MAD"olyn lol) Being a dirty cop, and a snitch probably wouldn't exactly get him "Man Of The Year" awards himself! lol
Like I said earlier...Jack Nicholson MADE this film what it is! Try to imagine this story without him in it...Methinx Jack just plays HIMSELF in many of his roles! L0L I don't beLIEve much from the media, but they showed Jack a few years ago, outside his apartment and he was wearing his PJs, and looked disheveled!
I've seen MANY of his movies over the decades, and I distinctly remember him STEALING scenes in "Easy Rider" way back when! He was just a 'supporting actor' in that one too. I just watched a bit of "Cry Baby Killer", which was Jack's FIRST film in 1958. The video quality is almost unwatchable tho, esp. the night scenes!
chicago85. Hi! I'm a HUGE Bears fan too! I remember 1985-86 like it was yesterday! I used to be a Hawks fan, before the Kyle Beach incident! IIRC, that Chinese movie was called "Internal Affairs"? I saw that somewhere online a few days ago, but I haven't seen the movie! Jack Nicholson STOLE every Departed scene he was in and he MADE this movie! Jack is one of the Top actors ever, and he is Tops in my books, maybe my FAV! I just love his facial expressions in this flick! He comes off as a 'tad' psychotic, as he does in many of his characters. I saw "Cuckoo's Nest" at the theater in Edmonton just after it was first released! (1976ish?) Jack's career has aged like a FINE wine! Looking at his movies in chronological order proves that!
Etxpeme, "Mz Professional" wants to tell WHO something? Billy C. or Colin S.? Her character's name is Madylyn, and the actor's name is Vera Farmiga. BTW, this was a RIVETING movie, and why it got an 8.5 rating on IMDb. I've seen it 3-4 times now,(over the years) on Netflix and on BluRay.
TBH, I empathized with Colin S. bcuz he looks like one of my family a lot! (I'm also Irish background). I was rooting for him instead of Leo DiCaprio! lol I wish their roles were reversed! See how we become biased out of familiarity?