fawltybasil's Replies

Biggest films? Most of the films he's been in have been average or terrible. Mad Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Lethal Weapon 3 and 4 Air America Bird On A Wire Forever Young Maverick Payback Conspiracy Theory Million Dollar Hotel The Patriot The Singing Detective Ransom The Beaver The Man Without A Face What Women Want Get The Gringo He had screen presence and charisma, and in the 80's - early 90's, he was one of the best looking male movie stars of all time but his filmography isn't great overall. Yeah, it's a shame. I liked him as Lily Savage but ended up preferring to see him as himself on TV. Gibson was awful in The Bounty. One of the worst performances I've ever seen. It didn't help that he was sharing the screen with Anthony Hopkins and Daniel Day Lewis, and they showed him up for the average actor he is. Crowe's superior. Gibson has limited range. Can't wait. Crowe's a much better actor than Gibson, who has just virtually done the same performance over and over his entire career. For example, Hamlet was just Riggs attempting Shakespeare, and William Wallace was just Riggs with a dodgy Scottish accent, and an even dodgier ginger wig. Because Sean Connery was playing him. And he had great presence and charisma. I agree about him not having a signature role, even though to me, as much as I consider the David Lean version of Oliver to be the best, I still think Reed remains the best Bill Sykes. Reed is regarded by many as one of the greats but he just didn't seem to give a shit. Quint in Jaws could've been his signature role but he turned it down simply because he said he couldn't be arsed to go to America. He didn't make the most of his opportunities. Probably because of the booze. Film critic Mark Kermode said: "On Gladiator, he turned up for work everyday on time, behaved himself for once, and acted the shit out of everybody else". And maybe if he'd approached most of his career that way, things would have turned out very different for him. He must have shagged your partner because there's no way you can call him a nothing actor. You might not like him and he might have been in some mediocre films but his performance in Naked is one of the best performances of all time. Neither. Rear Window. Brides because of Peter Cushing, and the rich colours. Possibly the best looking Hammer Horror film. Oh, that's interesting. It's one of my favourites. Probably top 5 but Dracula (1958) is still my absolute favourite Hammer. He's the weakest part of the film but he's not awful, and he's not so bad that he ruins it. He has a presence about him, he's just a bit wooden. Yes he was. Superb screen presence and speaking voice. No wonder you deleted your account after that comment. Lee was far superior to Lugosi. Yes. Peter Cushing is the definitive Van Helsing, and Christopher Lee is the definitive Dracula. I love it. The Bela Lugosi version is a boring stagey film, and Lugosi's version of Dracula is more like a cuddly uncle than someone sinister. It didn't shock me that he was doing that. It shocked me that he was doing that while in a relationship with Elizabeth Hurley. Still, it wasn't as embarrassing as Eddie Murphy picking up a prostitute in Beverly Hills, gets them in his car and then discovers it's a man.