Horst was not that bad

A lot of people seem to really criticize Horst Janson's acting performance in this film, but I really do not understand why. Sure he was not amazing, but he was pretty solid, especially during the scene where he reassures Grost after the tavern fight, he really seems to care about his friend and the emotion does come through.
Admittedly Ian Hendry might have been a better Kronos; if his cameo is any benchmark to his skills then the guy must have been absolutely brilliant. I think that Robert Shaw would have been an excellent Kronos as well if he was availible. But Horst was alright, even if he had the weakest portrayal of the main cast.


I didn't know there were critics of his performance. I can't see why either. I thought everyone did a good job in their roles and made the characters worth watching.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


He was awesome. He wasn't supposed to be charming and likeable. He was supposed to be aloof and kind of a dick all high on his personal demons like any good paladin.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


I thought he was alright, but I also thought he was the weakest of the cast, aside from the brother and sister vampires. I think the movie was not well received because he as the lead was probably not well known at the time, like the rest of the cast. I think that is Hammer's fault. A shame cause I like the film, own the dvd and watch it, as I am now, every so often.

Well as I watch it for the umpteenth time I have to say Horst is not all that bad. The cast is really good but totally unknown at the time as I said above. I guess Lee, Cushing and Price just didn't fit.


I think he was too big of a star at that point, but Oliver Reed would have made a nice return to Hammer as Captain Kronos.


He's the weakest part of the film but he's not awful, and he's not so bad that he ruins it.

He has a presence about him, he's just a bit wooden.


He does okay. As others have said, he is a bit wooden, but he's does the action well and is believable in the fight scenes.
