DirkOff's Replies

Airport '77 Looks woke. Well said. With all their faults the prequels are still fun to watch. The general conception is that they are not very good movies due to a lot of dialogue and acting issues. Calling the prequels bad, silly or goofy is very different from Disney Star Wars where everybody uses the word hate. I did not mind The Force Awakens even if it was rehash of ANH. If Abrams stuck to directing/writing all three films we may have had something although Kennedy probably would have destroyed that to. Nicely said 🏆 South Park just mocked the shit out of her. This will be her one and only Legacy. 😊 I read that the South Park creators will be using all this ongoing drama with Disney (legals threats etc) for the next episodes so it could get very interesting. At least for now, we have that South Park episode. 😂 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T_l2pdr-XwQ One Zillion Years BC October 9th 😆 Gross 🤮 Plus a crate of Beer An Oculus 3 Well, that’s your opinion. Brands popularity still exists in my household for my wife and two children (17 and 20). Of course there are other Americans like yourself, whose life only exists in America. If you are bored Kowalski, why do you spend so many hours in a day trolling this site? Thanks for proving my point 😉 Nah he is correct in his thinking. You don’t know how gay people work do you? Don’t forget his WETA company in NZ. https://www.wetafx.co.nz/ Shit 😂 sorry I didn’t think anyone would respond so quickly. I remembered that ww1 film he did recently ‘Thall shall not grow Old” and I got my respect back for him and felt bad about my post. I agree with what you say! 😆 Just like all your replies. Did you learn your lesson?