DirkOff's Replies

Blow it out of your ass Kowalski. You are all over the place on this board. First you are telling me how much you love pussy and next you are the great defender of everything unjust. The only thing you stand for is seeking attention. Best to pity. [–] Kowalski (30978) a month ago I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU...BUT I LIKE PUSSY. NOEMOJI Seeing this guys caps lock stuck on is way more annoying then any intolerant posts. [–] Kowalski (30895) 24 days ago I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU...BUT I LIKE PUSSY. NOEMOJI I laughed really hard at this thread! I don’t know why. You’re Welcome. My daughter and I receieved over 200 bucks in ebay gift cards between us...So we are pooling them and ordering a grip of complete series dvd sets... Tales from the crypt. Angel. Roseanne. The golden girls. Family matters. The facts of life. Gilligan's island. Schitt's creek. Plus we got the wonder years,home improvement and coach for christmas straight up...This christmas accidentally became about filling in gaps in our tv section. Oh...The best gift I got though...Hands down...My daughter bought me...With her own money and secretly...That's a first...Mannequin on blu ray and a mannequin t shirt...Super cool. Feel free to respond with your gifts or best gift this year. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o6idQMwaiDg Silly article. Team America is easily his best and it didn’t even make the list. Luke’s portrayal was only one reason why this film was unpopular. There were so many more including the weird out of place attempt at humour and the bizarre slow mo hyperspace chase plot. Watch this Entertainment Tonight review. It sums everything up perfectly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ8ir66M5XU Sucks to be him! LOL awesome reason! I hope you prevail. I’m a casual Star Wars fan and I hated this movie. So did the six friends I saw it with. In fact I haven’t met anyone that enjoyed it. I don’t think much of the prequels either but I have rewatched them all several times over the years. I have no interest in ever rewatching The Last Jedi. I tried to watch Brick the other day. Could only last 30 mins. Not sure what people see in it. I’m new here but I see there is an ignore button. Are you angry all the time Kowalski? Huh? Are you yelling when you type or is the caps lock button stuck? Wow. I’m new here. That’s a really degrading post! I guess its free for all then? Ummm…ok. So the average Ukrainian is wrong then?