MovieChat Forums > David1616 > Replies
David1616's Replies
Again with the (((media))). Important thing is only if they call Jews bad names, forget about what they call White people.
Nope I'm not. I'm just a guy with a different opinion than yours. Go ahead and block me if you can't defend your position with actual arguments.
What's not the way it works? Critics not slamming a movie that portrays history differently as it was for political reasons? When JFK came out, critics slammed it for legitimizing conspiracy theories. It was a good movie and this one also might be, but if it spreads misinformation it's the job of the media to call it our for it.
Fargo is not a political movie or movie that is connected to modern politics. If it was and it portrayed history false, it would have been deservedly criticized. Any movie about history that has political ramifications which portrays history differently should have a disclaimer. Modern Black youth who will watch this film will leave the movie theraetre thinking it's what actually happened. They will end up thinking Blacks in Africa were more affluent than they actually were, they will end up thinking Blacks in Africa wanted to end slavery and they will end up thinking Whites were the bad guys, even though White colonialists actually ended slavery in Africa. The people who made this movie know this and want this. This movie deliberately misrepresents history for political propaganda purposes aimed at miseducating the public and generating hatred against Whites. I never said the movie should be banned, I'm saying the mainstream media should have done the job and slammed this movie into smithereens like it deserves to be and critics should have lamented it. But that didn't happen.
They were activists who got chosen to be martyrs by the institutions who wanted change. You could say activists contribute to the movement, but they're not the ones who ultimately foster change. This is up to institutions like the media. FBI had files on King which could have ruined him, but the media chose not to attack him because they agreed with his message and wanted social change.Civil rights is at the end of the day something Whites gave to Blacks. Had Whites not wanted them, it would not have happened.
Does the movie have a huge "not based on history" disclaimer at the beginning of the movie? If right wingers made a huge budget blockbuster alternate history movie where they portray Blacks owing White slaves and Whites heroically fighting them, it would not have been legitimate point to criticize the movie, because it's "alternate history"? The youth today don't read history books. They get their impressions from entertainment industry. And that's precisely the aim of this political propaganda flick. To teach Blacks to hate Whites and to teach Whites to hate themselves. So this movie is a false history movie that deliberately seeks people to hate others. This movie is vile.
Rubbish. Civil rights had nothing to do with Rosa Parks nor MLK. These people are just figure heads. Civil rights happened because Whites were altruistic enough to give them to Blacks even though they did not owe them. Had it not been for liberal Whites in the media and universities, who wanted social change Rosa Parks and MLK would have been nobodies.
The argument isn't in the context of weather or not Whites are perfect. Today Whites are the only group who are held responsible for slavery. The argument is weather or not Whites should have unique guilt for slavery whilst nobody else has. In this context, the fact Whites were the first to voluntarily end free another ethnic group from slavery and the first that came up with abolitionism is perfectly enough for them to not have unique guilt over slavery. Even if they weren't the first to free another people from slavery, the fact that almost everyone else had slavery is sufficient to absolve Whites from unique guilt.
Compared to who? Arab countries abolished slavery in the 1960s, last Mauritania in 1981. When White people were listening to the Beatles with flowers in their hair and listening to Michael Jackson, Arabs were debating weather or not to abolish slavery. You my friend, like sadly most people in the West don't even realize the unfairly high standards you hold White people to.
That's because they kiss Jewish ass because Jews have such power in the world. And the people you mentioned aren't "far right", they're cucks. Israelis are sending illegal third world immigrants to Western countries and these supposed "far right" populists are bowing to them instead of calling them out.