InquiringMind's Replies

You know that they are not mutually exclusive? I could be both superior and have a complex. Well, you're not giving me a lot to work with. Soon you'll just devolve into grunting. Is it a complex if you are actually superior? Am I though? I think you're just lazy. So now we're going to devolve into talking through emojis? Sad. You really do have a humiliation fetish, don't you? No judgment. Cool. If you say so. Winners never quit, and quitters never win. Says the basic bitch. Do they? You could try. Can't you? After all, my name is Inquiring Mind, so I'm curious. Come on, give it a go. I doubt it. You're not special. You're not the only bіtсh I've smacked around today. I enjoy it. What kind of stupid am I? Educate me. Ummm... When I said bіtсhеѕ I was talking about you. How are you this rеtаrdеd? Do you wear a helmet when you go outside? Do you tie your own shoes, or do you have to wear velcro? It's a Youtube link dummу. Are you dumb and blind? Trust me, if I wanted to hack you, there are better ways of rooting your box. No clicking on links required. You should really look at the punchline. What's funny, is that I know you'll actually laugh. You'll be laughing at yourself. But you WILL be laughing. And you'll wonder how I ever got the best of you. Uh oh, is that really where you want to take this thread? You went there :( SHAME! SHAME! There is a name for when a thread descends into accusations of being a Νаzі (Godwin's Law). There should be a name for when a discussion devolves into people calling someone a "Quagmire". Yeah, I've been considering my stance on today's reality a lot lately. I have come to the conclusion that our culture is ѕhіt. I'm tired of of seeing degenerates everywhere. But unfortunately these are common symptoms of collapsing societies, especially empires. Capitalism is a failed system, and our culture is a failed culture. Socialism is our only hope. How do you like it so far? Are you all settled in? How long do you plan on staying? Uh oh. What if it's like Hotel California: "You can check out any time you'd like, but you can never leave." Food for thought my feeble minded friend. Food. For. Thought. And another miss. :(