Magicdave's Replies

One, two or three critics opinions (and that's what they are - OPINIONS) does not make a majority vote against something in a movie. (Unless those that read such reviews cannot think for themselves and are thusly sheep) And a famous guy who wrote about horror movies WITHOUT having watched them? Well, he's a moron! How can anyone write about something they know nothing about first hand? So true! You say To-ma-to, I say To-mah-to. We agree to disagree. And that's fine. That's what intellectual discourse is all about. I think it is to show that, even as a vampire, she still had a shred of humanity. LOL! Of course not. It's a comic book. Well, you have a right to your opinion, but, personally, I loved the idea of Cap having an African American friend. It showed that he was not racist. I also think they picked the perfect actor to portray him in the movies. I think Anthony Mackie did a great job. Maybe the movie will be a flop. Only time will tell. I personally don't think so. You thought she was attractive ... until you heard other people making fun of her? So you can't unsee it? So, you let others change your opinion? Stick with your own mind. Don't let others influence your thinking. If you like or don't like something or someone, that's fine. Make sure it is YOUR feeling, not someone else's. You'll have a better life. Agree ... to a point. I believe they used the title because it was the "Last Crusade" of the knights that were sent out to find the Grail. But, I also agree, that they should have stopped the Indy films as a trilogy, when it went out on top. I understand that politics had raised its ugly head in the movies, but I am basically defending Marvel for having had the intelligence years ago to put diverse characters in their comic stories, long before it was considered "woke". And, yes, there are people whining about Falcon being black. Maybe you and I don't have a problem with it, as we know that diverse characters were in Marvel years ago, back before "woke" and "diverse" became battle cries instead of words in the dictionary. He may not be a comedic actor in the strictest sense, but he has made movies featuring comedy and handled it pretty well. "The A Team" comes to mind Not really. Back in the 50s and 60s and 70s, diversity was not a battle cry like some people take it to mean today. As I said previously, Marvel comics were ahead of their time with their multi-racial heroes (and villains). In television, back in the 60s, 70s and 80s, there were shows featuring African American people that were big hits, with all races! "Julia", "Good Times", "Benson" "What's Happening" and the immortal "Cosby Show" (Yes, I know, Cosby has since been exposed as a monster. He broke my heart when it all came to light. Bill was my favorite stand up comedian when I was younger. I had several of his LPs. But, before all the horror, his show was a ratings juggernaut - with all races.) Besides, I don't care about "winning" an argument about a MOVIE or a COMIC BOOK! I was just pointing out that people crying that Marvel is going "woke" and forcing diversity, must not have read the comics which have had diverse characters in their comics for DECADES before the movies started. Now to end this soap box statement. I am a 72 year old white movie fan. I have had friends of every race, creed, color and nationality in my life. As to comics - I read them when I was a kid up through my early 20s, and diversity in comics back then was not a hot button issue. I feel sorry for those who see (or inject) political topics into things as harmless as comic books and movies. In the comics, Sam Wilson was Cap's best friend and for a time, took over the mantle of Captain America when Steve was incapacitated. So, it is not diversity being shoved down our throats. Marvel was ahead of its time in having diverse characters. In the comics, Sam Wilson was Cap's best friend and for a time, took over the mantle of Captain America when Steve was incapacitated. So, it is not diversity being shoved down our throats. Marvel was ahead of its time in having diverse characters. Yes I know the difference. The point is that it is another spider horror movie. Not that that is a bad thing, if the movie is well made. There have been several giant spider movies over the years - "Earth Vs. The Spider" and the great "Tarantula", both big films when I was a young man. You could have bought it for less on Prime Video. Tom Holland was very good. I am not surprised that Marvel Studios hired him to play Peter Parker/Spiderman. He knocked that portrayal out of the park! You met what there are mostly in America. Good solid folks who just want to live their lives. The racist haters are a minority that are trying to push their twisted agenda. Usually these people have low self esteem or are conspiracy theorists that want everyone to follow them in their infantile hatred. Your opinion ... not mine. "Eight Legged Freaks" was a brilliant satire of monster movies. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Arachnophobia was also a brilliant horror comedy. Of course you have seen "Arachnophobia", correct? I would say that it is similar. How about "Eight Legged Freaks"? Nope. And I feel sorry for people (or should I say sheep) who have to go with the crowd instead of having their own thoughts and their own voice. You have a right to like anything and dislike anything you want. A lot of these people who say you should like what they like are in fact practicing a form of the very thing they scream against - discrimination!