RealInfinitum's Replies

Your comment didn't age well! Hurricane Ian regains strength to Category 1 Live Updates 2 hours ago Ian regained Category 1 strength Thursday night, with winds at 75 mph as it heads toward South Carolina. God is going after the rest of the South that voted Republican. Go God, Go. Governor Ron DeSantis is a moron and he's going down. Biden has no interest in dealing with that spraytan crap. But but but but but Malone is a MAGA!!! Don't you support him?? He's not really Christian. And as a warlord he's pathetic. Viktor Orban? The Hungarian lapdog?! LOL Common pyssies what's your answer to this? ROFLMAO you call me "psychotic" while claiming mermaids are white. He knows after what Trump did to Puerto Rico the Republican mayors won't cooperate. Joe wants to get things done, not play politics. Disney is corporate. Disney doesn't pay their employees jack. Disney is right wing. Disney is just pandering to what they think society is leaning to ie. your pathetic newspeak meme of "woke". Don't you little bastards use English? Can't you think for yourselves? April 2020 shit for brains is when Trump brokered the deal between the Saudis and the Russians. "How long did the aliens probe your butt " I mean SERIOUSLY what are you trailer trash?! What kind of stupid idiotic childish comment is that?! Go suck on a piece of grass and contemplate how your parents raised you. Omg you're so pathetic. Do you ever get any exercise? I bet you're fat AF aren't you? Are you a gamer? I bet you even use a desktop don't you? If the Left didn't give a fuck about science they wouldn't be giving SCIENTISTS a voice to warn us about hurricanes getting worse because of global warming. Now run off to your next MMRPG session you idiot. Muting you from here on out. You're a waste of time and you know you're wrong and you know you're a liar. Go away pest. Look how many posts you have. MovieChatUser497 (15785) Get a fucking life already. Some man you turned out to be. Is this all you do is harass legitimate posters on Movie Chat? You're the living embodiment of a cliche. No not at all. According to the data it started rising in November 19 of 2020 under Trump. By the time Biden took office it was at an average of $2.28 per gallon. It was a direct result of Trump ending the trade war between the Russians and Saudis. Why he did that, no one knows why. Speculation is that he is an asset of Putin so he wanted to help the Russians while screwing the American people. *sigh* Shooting the messenger again. And Scientific American and BBC... etc. etc. That's the best you can do, is every time I give you a source you mock it, as if you HAVE any sources for all the goose poo you have in between your ears? Again "libtard" because you're so original. By using the word "retard" you little piece of shit, you are not only mocking the handicapped community, you are exposing your identity of the immoral, unethical, completely devoid of anythng good that you know you are. You've exposed yourself. Pfft you think Wikipedia is the only one? The GOP has a long history of ignoring science. Trump turned it into policy. Why is the GOP so anti-science? Many many more like this one. Just put the phrase "Why do Republicans hate science" in a search engine. Keep bumping. I just love the attention child. Using the word "retard" is a mockery of the handicapped community and it reflects your generation, a generation that everyone hates with passion. Like I said the rest of us stopped using it when we became adults. Oh speaking of parents, what a joke. Your parents raised a total piece of shit. A worthless member of society who exists solely to make society a worse place for everyone. I love it. Little men I was babysitting while in college calling me a "kid". Even your spelling Democrat that way is a trope. You keep bumpin I'll keep correctin.