RealInfinitum's Replies

Oh sure same old same old resorting to "you're a troll". Everyone knows you're the resident troll while you just give me the opportunity to obliterate and destroy all the Republikkkan myths. And BBC, CNN, Business Insider, Huffington post, Scientific American, ABC, NASA, and so on and so on lol Any more sources of information you wish to add to your list while you present me nothing whatsoever? I would expect any morality out of a Republican like yourself but using a slur like "retard" is abuse of the handicapped community. No doubt you speed in school zones and run over little children too. Yeah sure it may not be cool to you you little bastard but making fun of people born with birth defects kind of indicates you have a birth defect, that of being human. Again it's something the rest of us ADULTs stopped using after middle school. Time for you to grow the fuck up and start acting like an adult you privileged snot nosed little shit. Seems like you've run out of your rightist cliches and Republican myths because you know you cannot debate the facts. Click the url. Works for me. I'll paste it. Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats' Capital FlowsContributor Guest commentary curated by Forbes Opinion. Avik Roy, Opinion Editor. POST WRITTEN BY Jere Glover Mr. Glover is an attorney who has testified before Congress and worked for the Senate and House Small Business Committees. Nov 7, 2016,10:28am EST Since I’m an old Democrat supporting Hillary Clinton, it might surprise you to hear that I agree with Donald Trump’s top line view of the economy. No, I don't agree with much that he’s said since he started his 2016 presidential campaign, and recent revelations have rightly drawn opprobrium. But since I’m also an agreeable old southerner, I’ll give credit where credit is due. Donald was absolutely right when he told Wolf Blitzer in 2004: “I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.” That’s right. Trump said out loud the same thing that Hillary Clinton has asserted—and top academics and journalists have confirmed. The same thing I’ve been compiling cold, hard government data on since 1980: By crucial metrics like GDP, job creation, business investment and avoiding recessions, the economy does a lot better with Democrats in the White House than with Republicans. Just one eye-opening example: Nine of the last 10 recessions have been under Republicans. Watch on Forbes. Hillary Clinton Vs. Donald Trump: Where The Candidates Stand On Employment And Jobs Pundits don’t agree on exactly why. Some say the common thread may be external factors ranging from oil shocks and warm, fuzzy consumer expectations to economic cycles falling differently from political cycles. But to borrow a phrase often attributed to Casey Stengel, you could look it up. And not just on my web Just the very fact that you use the word "retarded" shows what a total moron you are since most adult stopped using that ableist slur after middle school. Admit it. You're a hipster millennial wearing skinny jeans so tight they squeeze your balls. You're a fucking kid. LMAO an irritating millennial that everyone cannot stand. Moron: definition "adult with a mental age between 8 and 12;" Huffington post, BBC, CNN, Business Insider. Keep the excuses coming and I'll keep correcting you. I can do this all night. Sure Republican policies have been great for the economy, that's why we've had recessions in 1991, 2008 and bailouts in 2018 while the economy went gangbusters under Clinton and the Great Recession was reversed under Obama. Just by your words you are a QAnon sympathizer and are literally a terrorist. You keep repeating the mainstream lies and I'll keep telling you the truth. Al-Qaeda is a total myth. It's a made up name by the US government to pull the wool over the eyes of the American sheeple that can be suckered into anything. They don't exist and the whole situation surrounding it is and was a total fraud. Al-Qaeda, the Mythical Enemy The Power of Nightmares: Baby It's Cold Outside You didn't show jack shit. I showed you real data, documentation and fact sheets. Nice job keeping my post at the top. You need serious psychiatric help. More hysteria of the haha, wow you're trying to hard. Keep bumping my post. I love it. There's even a Wikipedia article on it. Keep struggling. I'll keep correcting you. The Republican War on Science Damn you're trying hard. More scientists being Democrats is totally relevant. The fact is Democrats support science while Republikkkans deny it you fucking retard. There's no conspiracy in that Bush allowed 19 Saudis to attack us on 9/11. It's common knowledge. Keep bumping my posts to the top. Keep spewing your ignorance. I'll keep correcting you. It's fun. Whatever hipster millennial. Because calling people who stand for freedom "libtards" doesn't make conservatives look like they are 12 year old morons who play too many video games. Sure that's why most scientists are Democrats you fuck wit. All your posts are lies. All my posts are truth. Damn you are sick. He didn't allegedly give it. It's solid fact he gave it. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you keep condoning of the Republicans destroying our economy and being an apologist for terrorists? You don't even know what socialism is you idiot. Nonsense. We were attacked by 19 mythical Saudi Arabians that you apparently sympathize with after Trump did a deal to raise oil prices with the Saudis and the Russians. That's the Republikkkan cult in a nutshell. Nope nope sorry wrong again. It was Trump who put children in cages when Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a "zero-tolerance" under Trump. No, Donald Trump’s separation of immigrant families and putting Children in cages was not Barack Obama’s policy | PunditFact You didn't show us anything. I showed you the truth. The problem is you re so far indoctrinated by the rightist media that anything that doesn't toe your far right radical agenda seems "far left" even though there is no far left in the US. The actual truth has a liberal bias. Sorry but you lost. Nope nope you're wrong he clearly told his mob to go attack the capital. A Capitol rioter who received phone call from the Trump on Jan. 6 was identified as a 26-year-old Trump-loving New Yorker who joked about shooting Nancy Pelosi No Republicans killed 3000 innocent Americans and killed more innocent Iraqis and Afghanis just like the Nazis killed millions of innocents. Try to keep up. You know as an unbiased and objective observer, I have to ask. WTF is wrong with you? Why do you support the cult of imprisoning children in cages, denying science, destroying America and trying kill Americans? You mean like Diaper Don told his mob to go kill Americans and overthrow America on Janurary 6 2021? I don't think so. You have mad cow disease.