MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden only calls Florida democrat mayors...

He's a piece of shit, what do you expect?


thats Joe. Kid sniffer in chief


Please don’t call Diaper Joe a retard. I happen to work with a lot of special needs children in my profession, they are great people and don’t deserve to be compared to a piece of shit like Biden.


understood, thanks for letting me know.


He knows after what Trump did to Puerto Rico the Republican mayors won't cooperate. Joe wants to get things done, not play politics.


Joe wants to make sure all repair is done by overcharging union companies that will take twice as long as the regular companies the republican towns will.


You are a fucking moron.


Governor Ron DeSantis is a moron and he's going down. Biden has no interest in dealing with that spraytan crap.


My reply was to the OP, not you.

It doesn't matter who Biden does or doesn't talk to. FEMA does the work, they are the ones who need to be in touch with people on the ground. This is another made up nothing outrage. Which is one of the reasons it's such a moronic post.

In addition to the fact that the mayors he talked to were from major cities in the hurricane's path.

Not to mention that the nitwit's own link Sid it was two Dems and on Republican.

Stupidity on multiple levels. How fun!


You are a fucking moron for supporting Diaper Joe who is doing everything he can to kill Republicans. He’s a sadistic motherfucker and should be in prison.



Derp derp, dumbass.


Great retort numb nuts. I guess you have nothing intelligent to add.

Timmay, Spiffay


You claim that Biden is so far gone he can't tie his shoes then you claim that he has masterminded a plan to kill all Republicans. So which is it?


You're not seriously expecting a remotely intelligent argument from this nitwit, are you?


He’s a puppet of the radical left but he’s gone along with it which means he is responsible. I’m sure KKKAmala is really pulling his strings


“The pantshitter’s forth call was to governor Newsom in CA” - insiders reported


That's not even what your own article says ... and why quote msn? You hate it and ridicule it every change you get.


President Joe Biden hasn't spoken with Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida about the state's forthcoming hurricane.

The White House confirmed the information Tuesday during the press briefing, saying that Deanne Criswell, the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, did speak over the phone to DeSantis on Friday about Hurricane Ian.


Diaper Joe wants Republicans to die, we already know that from his speech


He's a very famous musician from Liverpool.
