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Why did Trump broker a deal between the Russians and Saudis to raise our gas prices?

How Trump's Oil Deal Between Russians and Saudis caused gas prices to surge up more than 20% on April 2, 2020 the biggest one-day leap on record. Oil prices surge on Trump's hopes of a price war truce between Saudi Arabia and Russia.


It was all Diaper Joe, President Trump gave us energy independence which Diaper Joe took away on day 1 of his administration. Now we are begging hostile countries who hate our guts for oil which isn’t doing shit to save the environment.


Nope. Can't lie yourself out of this one. It was Nappy Donald who caused the oil prices to rise.


Yet they immediately started rising once Diaper Joe took office and killed the keystone pipeline. The facts aren’t on your side numb nuts.


Nope again. They immediately started to rise under Nappy Donald, on APRIL SECOND 2020. Facts don't lie.


When President Trump left gas prices were around $2.00, they doubled under Diaper Joe very quickly.


Nope nope. Sorry wrong again. When Diaper Donald left office gas prices were averaging $2.28 and rising because his deal with the Russians and Saudis.


And they then doubled under Diaper Joe because he cancelled the Keystone Pipeline project and then started begging OPEC and Russia for oil. And in the meantime people started suffering and dying as a result. Diaper Joe is literally a murderer.


Nope nope sorry. If Trump poisoned your water and you died under Hero Biden would that make it Biden's fault. Nope. Fact is under Diaper Donald oil prices surged up more than 20% on April 2, 2020 the biggest one-day leap on record.

Can't deal with the facts skipper maybe you should not be on the boat.


Except President Trump purified the water and then Diaper Joe contaminated it with his own shit on Day 1. We did not have $4-$5 gas prices under Trump. Quit twisting the facts to suit the answer you want, it’s making you look like a retard.


Purified the water?! ROFLMAO!!! Do you even know what you're talking about?! Even your metaphors are backwards.

While Michigan was suffering from its poisoned water crisis under Republican Snyder, Diaper Don was shutting down the EPA.

Trump Has a Terrifying New Plan to Poison the Air, Water, Humans


My metaphors are dead on, the economy was booming under President Trump and now Diaper Joe has completely fucked up all the progress he made. Diaper Joe has failed on every single front from Afghanistan to the economy, inflation, gas prices, crime, etc. The motherfucker should be impeached and jailed but he probably won’t because of liberal privilege.


Keep this going I love dispelling all your lies and myths and educating you.

If he economy was booming under President Trump why did he have to give a socialist bailout to Farmers like Bush gave to Bankers?

Farmers are losing money thanks to Trump

Farmers are slamming Trump's $28 billion farm bailout — more than double Obama's 2009 payment to automakers — as a 'Band-Aid' -


LOL that’s the best you can do? One bailout he allegedly gave means the entire economy was tanking? WTF is wrong with you?

And it’s not socialism if the amount you are getting back is less than what you are already paying in taxes you fucking idiot.


He didn't allegedly give it. It's solid fact he gave it. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you keep condoning of the Republicans destroying our economy and being an apologist for terrorists?

You don't even know what socialism is you idiot.


Because the Republican policies have been great for the economy. The DemoKKKrat policies have hurt anyone who isn’t a rich, privileged elitist or a far left radical. The DemoKKKrats literally want to murder the middle class because they won’t vote for them.

You just told me you are an Al Qaeda sympathizer, you are literally a terrorist.


Sure Republican policies have been great for the economy, that's why we've had recessions in 1991, 2008 and bailouts in 2018 while the economy went gangbusters under Clinton and the Great Recession was reversed under Obama.

Just by your words you are a QAnon sympathizer and are literally a terrorist.

You keep repeating the mainstream lies and I'll keep telling you the truth.

Al-Qaeda is a total myth. It's a made up name by the US government to pull the wool over the eyes of the American sheeple that can be suckered into anything. They don't exist and the whole situation surrounding it is and was a total fraud.
Al-Qaeda, the Mythical Enemy

The Power of Nightmares: Baby It's Cold Outside


LOL since you value the reliability of Wikipedia so much, you should check it out, they have quite an article on Al Qaeda.


And BBC, CNN, Business Insider, Huffington post, Scientific American, ABC, NASA, and so on and so on lol
Any more sources of information you wish to add to your list while you present me nothing whatsoever?


Ummm kid, even DemoKKKrats acknowledge those sources are far left. You’re not doing a very good job at this.


I love it. Little men I was babysitting while in college calling me a "kid". Even your spelling Democrat that way is a trope. You keep bumpin I'll keep correctin.


Just keeping it real, kid.


Keep bumping. I just love the attention child.




Not really I have two doctorates and 3 children. I have a lot going for me, unlike you who’s crowning achievement is you actually managed to not shit your pants once in your life.


He keeps mentioning the keystone pipeline like it has any effect on gas prices. He needs to educate himself on it. He is embarrassing himself.


Exactly. Tell me you know nothing about Keystone XL by bringing up Keystone XL...


I know exactly what the Keystone Pipeline is, if Diaper Joe hadn’t cancelled it we would not have to beg countries that hate us for oil, we could produce our own oil which Diaper Joe refuses to do. He is 100% responsible for $5.00 gasoline and you’re just making excuses, you’re probably some privileged college student who has no idea what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck.


So you don't know. Thanks for the confirmation. I'm 46 and a homeowner. Try again


You don’t know what you’re talking about and the fact that you couldn’t provide an intelligent response to anything I said confirms this. and I’m sure the “home” you own is government housing and you’re probably on welfare


Keep reaching bro

Intelligent response requires an intelligent statement first


Let me know when you’re ready to engage in an intelligent discussion rather than far left talking points


That's not possible with you. All you have is right wing talking points. Which by the way, are false.


There is no such thing as right wing, when you’ve been brainwashed by the far left neutral and fair seems far right


Please educate yourself...


I know exactly what it is numb nuts, if he hadn’t cancelled it we could produce our own oil and no matter what Putin did it would be irrelevant because we wouldn’t have to depend on Russia, Venezuela and OPEC for oil. Now we are just making hostile countries who abuse human rights wealthier. Pretty fucked up.

Please educate yourself:

You also might want to do some background checks on your far left biased sources:

You’d might as well be citing MSDNC or The Huffington Post, numb nuts. Lay off the fake news.


Ahem. Re-educate yourself again. Son.


Yet before diaper Joe cancelled it the economy was better and gas was half as expensive


So you want to pander to the pedophile Russians even though we get very little oil from them, even though Obama was the first president since Carter to get us off of foreign oil?

Under Obama for the First time in 20 years we produced more oil than we imported.


Obama did not make us energy independent, that was all President Trump and under him we were a net exporter of oil. Diaper Joe undid that on his very first day and because of him people are sinking into poverty and dying because of his policies. They are now having to quit their jobs because they can’t afford to get to work.


Nope it was under President Obama. Sorry your delusions and lies don't hold water.
What's more is Obama cracked down on speculation causing prices to PLUMMET BUYAAH!!! LMAO.
Media Goes Silent as Gas Prices Fall After Obama Crack Down On Oil Speculation


Lay off the fake news and come back to reality. Gas prices dropped under President Trump and then they immediately began to skyrocket under Diaper Joe. They more than doubled ever since the motherfucker took office.


Fact is Trump brokered a deal with the Saudis and Russians that led to the oil prices increasing and you can't back up any of your statements with documentation, you know you're a liar, a scumbag and a royal POS and should have the raspberries smacked out of you.


President Trump made us a net exporter of oil, Diaper Joe killed his policies on day 1 and made us dependent on Russia, then when Russia invaded Ukraine they went up to $5 a gallon. If Diaper Joe had just kept the Trump policies then whatever Putin did woudln’t have mattered. Get your head out of your ass.


WRONG. Obama made us a net exporter of oil and Diaper Donald destroyed our export partners with his tariffs from day 1.

Under Obama the US oil boom came under Obama.

You don't even know your arse from a hole in the ground.

It was Diaper Donald that brokered the oil deal between the Russians and Saudis that caused gas prices to spike.


More lies and my data chart proves you are lying.

Diaper Joe is 100% responsible for the crumbling economy and before you pull that shit about how President Trump was somehow responsible for the economic collapse during Covid that was all DemoKKKrat governors who shut down the economy along with your cult leader Dr. Fauci.


Your data chart is nothing but horse manure from some rightist fanatic website. My data chart proves you are lying.

Diaper Donald is 100% responsible for the gas prices, the supply chain problems and the inflation.

However, the economy under Hero Biden, Americans are getting paid more than they ever have before. The unemployment rate is lower than it was under Diaper Donald.
Sorry meatball but your lies just don't hold up to facts.

The unemployment rate plunged during Biden's first 14 months, down to 3.6% in March from 6.4% when he took office


HAHAHAHA it’s actual data you cumguzzler. You just don’t like it because it doesn’t give you the answer you want (yeah party of science my ass). Diaper Joe tanked the economy and is a traitor to our democracy. Diaper Joe single-handedly destroyed all of the progress President Trump made in saving us from the failure of Obummer.


Wow aren't you getting hysterical knowing you cannot keep up. Your data is false. Diaper Don tanked the economy with his tariffs, destruction of the supply chain, booting out our migrant workers and oil deal between the Saudis and Russians. Just like Obama got us out of the Republican recession hero Joe is getting us out of the mess Trump created.

U.S. Economy Added 528,000 Jobs In July; Unemployment Falls To 3.5%


Not even close, you just rejected the objective data because you don’t like the answer. The DemoKKKrats tanked the economy with their lockdowns then Diaper Joe made things worse by taking away our energy independence. We are still using oil, we are not one nanometer closer to alternate energy yet we are now giving money to countries that hate us.

Ive dealt with a lot of libtards in my days but you are by far the most retarded and that’s saying something.


Also show me a source that isn’t far left, dingleberry.

Immattj, is that you?


None of my sources are "far left" because there is no far left LeisuresuitLarry.


LOL the far left is a very real thing and a serious threat to our democracy.


Horse manure. LMAO You're just forcefed all these lies by your right wing fascist conspiracy websites. Tell you what pussy you keep lying and I'll keep showing you the facts.

Angela Merkel governed Germany to the left of Bernie Sanders — so why don't Americans know?


There is no such thing as a right wing. There is neutral and objective and then there is far left.


No there's no such thing as the right wing. Tell that to the the victims in Ukraine and the victims of the holocaust in WWII. Don't pull that shit about their being socialist. They were NATIONAL socialist, and they came to imprison the socialists and the trade unionists and immigrants before they imprisoned the Jews.


LOL the Nazis were literally socialists which is a left wing ideal you fucking idiot.



Sorry already covered that. They were NATIONALIST socialists meaning they were Facist right wing you fucking moron.

If they were left wing why did they imprison the socialists and unions first??? Think you idiot. THINK

Just like Republicans went after Muslims then Mexicans, the NAZIs went after Jews and Polish Immigrants. Same shit.


HAHAHAHA please show me where Republicans went after Muslims and Mexicans at any level even close to the Nazis. The Nazis were left wing and your cult is acting more and more like Adolf Hitler every day it seems.


Iraq and Afghanistan. Any more questions idiot?

The nazis were fascists, meaning they were right wing and they went after socialists and unions before they went after immigrants and other religions just like the Republicans do.


You mean the people who murdered 3000 Americans on 9/11? You mean the terrorists that wanted to kill us, wow now you’re an Al Qaeda sympathizer.

Also Mexicans are in Afghanistan????


Yep they were the Republicans.
Before 9/11 John Ashcroft Denied FBI Requests for Fighting Terrorism

Nope, Bush attacking Iraq and Afghanistan is analogous to Hitler attacking Poland and France.


So Poland and France murdered 3000 innocent Nazis???

Your cult is literally the modern day Nazi party, Diaper Joe just told his mob to go murder Republicans, he is literally the modern day Adolf Hitler.

You know as an unbiased and objective observer I have to ask: WTF is wrong with you? What did your cult do to you to cause you to lose anything resembling objectivity or even basic human decency?


No Republicans killed 3000 innocent Americans and killed more innocent Iraqis and Afghanis just like the Nazis killed millions of innocents. Try to keep up.

You know as an unbiased and objective observer, I have to ask. WTF is wrong with you? Why do you support the cult of imprisoning children in cages, denying science, destroying America and trying kill Americans?


HAHAHAHAHA, we were attacked unprovoked by radical Islamic Terrorists who you apparently sympathize. The DemoKKKrat cult in a nutshell.

And it was Obama who put kids in cages, yeah that picture that the far left used to smear Trump of the kid in a cage, that was taken in 2014, ooopsie.


Nonsense. We were attacked by 19 mythical Saudi Arabians that you apparently sympathize with after Trump did a deal to raise oil prices with the Saudis and the Russians. That's the Republikkkan cult in a nutshell.
Nope nope sorry wrong again. It was Trump who put children in cages when Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a "zero-tolerance" under Trump.

No, Donald Trump’s separation of immigrant families and putting Children in cages was not Barack Obama’s policy | PunditFact


Oh I see so you’re a 9/11 conspiracy theorist? I’m sorry it seems I have wasted my time. You are clearly a Trump supporter trying to make libtards look crazy, trust me kid, they don’t need any help from you. You should talk to milsey, he sucks slightly less at this than you do.


There's no conspiracy in that Bush allowed 19 Saudis to attack us on 9/11. It's common knowledge. Keep bumping my posts to the top. Keep spewing your ignorance. I'll keep correcting you. It's fun. Whatever hipster millennial.
Because calling people who stand for freedom "libtards" doesn't make conservatives look like they are 12 year old morons who play too many video games.


HAHAHAHAHA, yeah even the far left isn’t retarded enough to peddle that bullshit.

I guarantee you you voted for President Trump. Get a life troll boy.


More hysteria of the haha, wow you're trying to hard. Keep bumping my post. I love it.


Yeah you definitely voted Trump, trust me kid, the left doesn’t need help from you to look retarded.


Just the very fact that you use the word "retarded" shows what a total moron you are since most adult stopped using that ableist slur after middle school. Admit it. You're a hipster millennial wearing skinny jeans so tight they squeeze your balls. You're a fucking kid. LMAO an irritating millennial that everyone cannot stand.

Moron: definition "adult with a mental age between 8 and 12;"


Just calling it like it is, if you’re gonna act like a retard expect to be treated like a retard.


I would expect any morality out of a Republican like yourself but using a slur like "retard" is abuse of the handicapped community. No doubt you speed in school zones and run over little children too. Yeah sure it may not be cool to you you little bastard but making fun of people born with birth defects kind of indicates you have a birth defect, that of being human. Again it's something the rest of us ADULTs stopped using after middle school. Time for you to grow the fuck up and start acting like an adult you privileged snot nosed little shit.


No one is abusing the handicapped community, just treating you how you deserve to be treated.

The DemoKKKrats love running over children as evidenced by the far left radical who ran over an 18 year old for thinking differently than he did.

I was never making fun of people who were born with birth defects, I was making fun of you and you deserve to be made fun of. I bet your parents kicked you in the helmet just for fun.


Using the word "retard" is a mockery of the handicapped community and it reflects your generation, a generation that everyone hates with passion. Like I said the rest of us stopped using it when we became adults.
Oh speaking of parents, what a joke. Your parents raised a total piece of shit. A worthless member of society who exists solely to make society a worse place for everyone.


Nope I’m not mocking anyone except you. I work with many special needs children in my profession and they have all shown far more intelligence and the ability to produce a rational thought than you have.


By using the word "retard" you little piece of shit, you are not only mocking the handicapped community, you are exposing your identity of the immoral, unethical, completely devoid of anythng good that you know you are.
You've exposed yourself.


Again no one is mocking the handicapped community, I am mocking you and you deserve it you worthless troll fuck/Al Qaeda/science denier.


Also Diaper Joe just gave a speech telling his mob to go kill Republicans, you don’t have much moral authority here.


You mean like Diaper Don told his mob to go kill Americans and overthrow America on Janurary 6 2021? I don't think so. You have mad cow disease.


Nope he didn’t, he clearly said to be peaceful and patriotic.

Diaper Joe told Black Lives Matter to go kill cops and then he told his mob to go kill the Supreme Court.


Nope nope you're wrong he clearly told his mob to go attack the capital.
A Capitol rioter who received phone call from the Trump on Jan. 6 was identified as a 26-year-old Trump-loving New Yorker who joked about shooting Nancy Pelosi


He said “march peacefully and patriotically to make your voices heard”, all he did was tell them to exercise their first amendment rights.

Diaper Joe on the other hand called the police the enemy which emboldened BLM to murder them, then he told his mob to revolt against the Supreme Court and a far left terrorist tried to murder Justice Kavanaugh, then he told his mob to kill Republicans and a 40 year old far left radical murdered an innocent teenager just because he disagreed with him politically. Your cult is the cult of insurrections, racism and evil.


Limpwristed pussy with no convictions or standards of honesty is that you?


Gutless libtard who is too retarded to take part in anything resembling an intelligent discussion.


Again "libtard" because you're so original.


Glad you’ve admitted what you are to yourself.


Go away pest. Look how many posts you have. MovieChatUser497 (15785)

Get a fucking life already. Some man you turned out to be. Is this all you do is harass legitimate posters on Movie Chat? You're the living embodiment of a cliche.


Now you’re trying to act as if the number of posts I have is some kind of argument to use against me, learn some better material, little man.


Here you go, gas prices were never as high as they were under Trump as they were under Obummer and Diaper Joe.


Nope nope sorry wrong again your chart is false and it was called out already. Prices were lower under Hero Obama than they were under Diaper Donald.

Chart misleads on gas prices under Obama and Trump


Right, the data just isn’t right if it doesn’t give you the answer you want. Nice troll job you loser.


LMAO not only is the data right but the facts show it pussy.


I just showed you data that destroys your lies and false narratives and you didn’t even read it, you just said it was wrong. You aren’t objective, you aren’t legitimate, you’re just a far left radical.


I just showed you data, documentation and facts that destroy your lies and false narratives and you didn't even read it. You are purely emotional, you aren't legitimate and you're just a far right extremist.


You showed me far left lies, I showed you real data and you dismissed it without even reading it. You could have explained why it was “wrong” and why the source was lying but instead you just dismissed it because it didn’t support your lies and misinformation.


You showed me far right lies, I showed you real data screenshot from real sources, documented from real sources and you dismissed it without ever reading it. Whenever facts don't fit your whackjob narrative you dismiss them as "left wing" blah blah blah when the media is by and large paid for by corporate dollars and corporately run meaning it is right wing but one altruism stands,
The truth has a liberal bias.


I showed you the truth, the problem is you are so far indoctrinated by the far left that anything that doesn’t toe your far left radical agenda seems far right.

Your “truth” has a liberal bias, the actual truth doesn’t.


You didn't show us anything. I showed you the truth. The problem is you re so far indoctrinated by the rightist media that anything that doesn't toe your far right radical agenda seems "far left" even though there is no far left in the US.

The actual truth has a liberal bias. Sorry but you lost.


You showed me far left talking points, I showed you objective data.

Also nice job copying and pasting my previous post and just swapping out “left” and “right”, your adult daycare supervisor must be proud of you.


You didn't show jack shit. I showed you real data, documentation and fact sheets.

Nice job keeping my post at the top. You need serious psychiatric help.


LOL, yeah I’m sure you think the Huffington Post is fair and objective. I doubt you even read the shit you post.


Huffington post, BBC, CNN, Business Insider. Keep the excuses coming and I'll keep correcting you. I can do this all night.


LOL, the troll job is wearing a little thin fuck boy.


Seems like you've run out of your rightist cliches and Republican myths because you know you cannot debate the facts.


HA, well when you present me with some “facts” we’ll talk. So far all I’ve heard is troll bullshit.


Oh sure same old same old resorting to "you're a troll". Everyone knows you're the resident troll while you just give me the opportunity to obliterate and destroy all the Republikkkan myths.


LOL considering you thought a Wikipedia article about a book on the Republicans “war on science” was evidence of a Republican “war on science”. Yeah you’re trolling, even DemoKKKrat retards aren’t as dumb as you are.


Pfft you think Wikipedia is the only one?

The GOP has a long history of ignoring science. Trump turned it into policy.

Why is the GOP so anti-science?

Many many more like this one. Just put the phrase "Why do Republicans hate science" in a search engine.


HAHAHAHAHAHA Washington post and MSDNC, is that really the best you can do? You’re not even trying anymore, I thought you topped yourself when you cited a Wikipedia article that doesn’t even say what you said it did but the retard keeps outdoing himself.


*sigh* Shooting the messenger again. And Scientific American and BBC... etc. etc. That's the best you can do, is every time I give you a source you mock it, as if you HAVE any sources for all the goose poo you have in between your ears?


Those sources deserve to be mocked, they are far left misinformation sources.

Your cult believes that a guy can become a woman by saying so, the left don’t give a good fuck about science, not to mention you think hurricanes come from God.


Omg you're so pathetic. Do you ever get any exercise? I bet you're fat AF aren't you? Are you a gamer? I bet you even use a desktop don't you?

If the Left didn't give a fuck about science they wouldn't be giving SCIENTISTS a voice to warn us about hurricanes getting worse because of global warming. Now run off to your next MMRPG session you idiot. Muting you from here on out. You're a waste of time and you know you're wrong and you know you're a liar.


Holy shit you are stupid, the left “gives a voice to scientists” who say what they agree with. They pick and choose what science they are going to accept and what science they aren’t. That is the complete OPPOSITE of how science works. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

I’ve seen plenty of scientists on Sean Hannity so that must mean that he cares about science as well which obliterates your assertion that Republicans have a “war on science”


So it went from $1.80 to $2/gal? And that was after it had fallen from $2.50/gal the month before? This is a shitpost right? Has to be.


No not at all. According to the data it started rising in November 19 of 2020 under Trump. By the time Biden took office it was at an average of $2.28 per gallon. It was a direct result of Trump ending the trade war between the Russians and Saudis. Why he did that, no one knows why. Speculation is that he is an asset of Putin so he wanted to help the Russians while screwing the American people.


Look at the chart in the link YOU posted from Jan to Apr. But you want to look at the one DAY it rose 20%


How long did the aliens probe your butt when they abducted you last night?

Hey shit-for-brains, you linked to a Apr 2020 article: Coronavirus: Oil prices surge on hopes of a price war truce


April 2020 shit for brains is when Trump brokered the deal between the Saudis and the Russians.

"How long did the aliens probe your butt "

I mean SERIOUSLY what are you trailer trash?! What kind of stupid idiotic childish comment is that?! Go suck on a piece of grass and contemplate how your parents raised you.


Just ignore moviechatuser. He's either in love with Trump or the Republicans to the point of denial about any questionable actions or thinks Democrats are pure evil as opposed to simply doing questionable things that annoy people.


Remember when Jared got $2B from the Saudis? Wonder what that was all about.
