MovieChat Forums > OnanTheBarbarian > Replies
OnanTheBarbarian's Replies
<blockquote><i>LIKABLE!? Seriously? Who writes these profile texts on IMDB. This non-actor is as likable as a fart after an night of Indian curry and binge beer drinking.</blockquote></i>
As others have said. That made me actually LAUGH OUT LOUD. 🤣
I have no problem with the guy. But that profile is so unprofessional and pandering it's pukeworthy.
OMG lol I remember Franz Ferdinand now. Completely vapid stuff. 🤣
Hong Kong Garden - I agree on that one. My favorite Siouxsie with more punk simplicity.
Arabian Knights - <i>Whilst you conquer more orifices of boys, goats and things</i>
Into the Light
I agree 100% and I was going to comment. It doesn't sound like Joy Division - there's no austerity, no depth.
"Bad Breath"
It's not my favorite Kate Bush song. Too redundant.
Here's great Kate Bush:
Justin Schlong? 🤣
He seems like a nice enough guy, but too saccharine to be sexual. As for seeing his dick, I'll pass.
I agree wholeheartedly. American tv is always about mass consumption and appealing to the lowest common denominator. British tv relies on adult humor. As you said, <b>bawdy</b>.
Off the top I can think of two much better sitcoms from that era, "Taxi" and "Good Times".
And as for British sitcoms? They're all better than "Three's Company".
I agree with you. I've watched it out of boredom. But if you have a choice there was so much better, even among tv sitcoms. And yeah, the fact it became so popular is a testament to the banality of American tv.
There was almost no substance to the main characters, Jack and Chrissy. They were very one dimensional.
<blockquote><i>The fat guy was never in prison. It is fiction.</blockquote></i>
I know you're from IMDb and long gone. But that is one of the most retarded statements I've read in a long time. We're talking about the movie, dumbass. Did you just figure out this film was fiction and not a documentary?
I remember seeing reruns of this.
Adolescent boys and those who never outgrew it. Lol.
It's a cute cartoon though.
Oh c'mon, you have to give me some clue.
I'm impressed by women who still have long beautiful nails. It's just a fashion statement. Nothing wrong with it at all and it's not a way to judge intelligence.
Apparently PMD and Mauricio had a falling out. My friends were JDoobie, OneOrdinaryHour, Pinky, Schwarzwald, lots of people.
What was your name on IMDb?
Of course. I liked Miss Yum Yum. PMD? Hated it!
But it's a group of gay lions. That's some serious camp.
Yes. Do I know you from another forum?
I find it hilarious when you read anything about Hitler's early life it's always noted that he had no talent as a painter. Bullshit. He was competent. You'll never get an unbiased review of anything involving Hitler or Manson.