OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

The irony here is that though women expect equal opportunity, they will gladly opt out of combat duty. I don't think it will be 100% though. There will be a small number of women who opt for combat. I'll say one thing though. If there is ever a society so deluded by the concept that biological sex is irrelevant that their combat troops are 50/50 male/female, when they lose their first battle that will change quickly. Harsh reality will show them that Wonder Woman and She-Ra will always be fantasy. It's all fantasy. When they start their next war, you best believe 99% of the combat troops will be men. You can't change biology. Dude, you see some guy with a rifle shoot somebody. Most of us would duck for cover. Huber went after the shooter with a skate board and tried to disarm him. The man is a fucking hero. Few men have the balls to do that. You need to apologize to that man's family. <b>Anthony Huber!!!</b> A great man. Kyle Rittenhouse is a scared little kid who shit his pants and killed people. The morals of some of you people are astonishing. I think he was trying to put the plastic bag over Kyle's head and suffocate him. 🤣 Rosenbaum was a wacko. I never said otherwise. But he was no threat to Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse had the loaded rifle, remember? "I'll kill you"? With what? Rittenhouse had a gun. Huber was the hero that night - a dead hero. Sandy, be honest. The media pushed Rittenhouse as a hero after the trial. You actually have to be brave to criticize him now. Whatever you think of Huber's past, he tried to disarm a gunman. He faced a man with a loaded rifle and all he had was a skateboard for defense. Huber was one brave man. And he didn't have to shoot anybody. "Martyr" is the word which comes to mind. Exactly. That's why I said, if you go out in the street and shoot enough people you might get lucky and kill a pedophile! 🤣 Chilone, you're one of the sheep. What Huber did that night was heroic. He tried to stop a mass shooter after he killed a man with a plastic bag! Lol. No one's saying he led a perfect life. Because I hate celebrity worship. And Amber Heard may be the bitch from hell. But no way I think this Depp character is any better than Amber Heard because fools swoon over him. No, his biological father is Michael Rittenhouse. If Michael Rittenhouse is Latino his last name is not. Bullshit. Fools justify Rittenthouse's murder of Rosenbaum because Rosenbaum was a pedo. Point is Rittenhouse was not some righteous guy out there trying to protect children from pedophiles. He shot Rosenbaum because Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag at him! Point being, Rittenhouse was unhinged and would have killed the greatest guy on earth if he got in his way that night. Nah, Anthony Huber is the hero, not that little snotnosed kid. I have much respect for the man. RIP. Are you saying Amber Heard could kick Johnny Depp's ass? 🤣 Lol. If Depp makes a good movie I'll go see it. This stuff matters nada to me. My main problem with this charade is that it was televised at all. I think OJ Simpson was guilty as fuck. What do "youn" think about that? 🤣 I resent the fact that some teenage kid thinks it's his duty to go play cop at a civil right protest. And I'm not 100% behind BLM either. It's just very dangerous for all of us with families to have renegade teenagers patrolling the streets with rifles. What is this, a third world country? Men have altercations and men will fight. So mix it up with your fists. I have no respect for a coward with a gun. I say Rittenhouse is "unhinged" because he may have gone there with good intentions - to play white knight, as if. But as soon as he realized not everyone was gonna play his game, and they tried to disarm him, he started killing people. I just don't see this dumb kid as any kind of hero. I think he got in over his head and people died. Again, I have no dog in this fight. I honestly do not care about these self-entitled celebrities and their love lives. I think they're both guilty. 🤣 It may be more about race than religion. The Anglo Jesus has been out of fashion for awhile. 👍 Interesting. If IMDb was gonna get woke you think they would have done it years ago. Multiculturists have been bitching about blue-eyed Jesus for years. Rabbit ears oh noes!!! Jesus is Illuminati!!!