LanceDance's Replies

Catholics and Muslims aren’t a race as you know, they’re just people who practice a religion, and the practitioners can be of any race. Same goes for all other religions too. Jews are an interesting case, since they can be a race, ethnicity, and religion. There are non-Israeli Jews that consist of people who practice the religion, but they’re in the minority. There are ethnic Jews that don’t practice Judaism, but are still referred to as Jewish. Who do you think? Haven’t seen that show, but you’re right, she’s black in that too. Weird how they’re trying to push a blackwashed Selina Kyle. They can’t make their own characters? Overton literally said he’d be ok with a black James Bond if it was done for practical reasons. So no, you lied, and then you lied about lying. The Major isn’t Asian, nor is she meant to be Asian. She’s a robot, more accurately a cyborg, that lives and works in Japan. The author never stated what her race was. You don’t know the source material at all, you’re just pretending to know while making stuff up. None of them played Selina Kyle though. Her skin color in the Year One comic is debatable, but she definitely wasn’t black. The following comics went back to her having white skin anyway. The first time Selina was portrayed as black was in the Harley Quinn cartoon. It was dumb then, and it’s dumb now. Ah, so this is where Overton said changing races for practical reasons is preferable to ideological reasons. Whatever you linked me to, it wasn’t this. Notice he never said or implied that whitewashing was good and colorwashing was bad. So you lied, again. As for ScarJo in Ghost in the Shell, Major Kusanagi isn’t Japanese, she’s a robot who’s worked in various countries under various aliases. Japanese fans were asked what they thought of the casting, and they liked it, saying she looked just like the character. They were surprised when they were told that some western activists were complaining about it. Practical casting or not, she wasn’t race-washed, she’s a light-skinned robot, so they cast a bankable light-skinned actress. First you claimed he said there’s no such thing as whitewashing. Now you’re claiming he said whitewashing is good, color-washing is bad. Which is it, kiddo? “That is what it translates to.” And there it is, you just admitted he didn’t actually say that, you’re just putting words in his mouth. Not surprising. Oh well, you tried. Better luck next time, slick 😄 If anyone needs a refresher on racism, it's you. Statistics aren't racist just because you disagree with them. What white supremacist site did he supposedly link to? If you're talking about "La Griffe du Lion", there's literally an article on there called "Why Most Serial Killers Are White Men." Not very white-supremacist, is it? Or do I need to link you the definition to that? If it's something else, show me the link, because so far I haven't seen anything that was racist or white supremacist and I'm not about to look over the whole thing if you're just wasting my time with strawman arguments and mis-labelling. Show me real proof. If he really said "there's no such thing as whitewashing", though, then I won't defend that because he's wrong. Again, IF he said that. Feel free to give me a direct quote for which ever link he said that in, and I'll "control F" to see if you're telling the truth. As for Whistler, he's not that popular of a character with mainstream audiences, and the Blade movies didn't gross that much money when compared to other superhero movies of that time. Low viewership + low popularity = not much word said. It's not that people were ok with it so much that people just didn't know about it, same with Tiger Lily in Pan. So if anything, you just proved my point that white-washing isn't advertised like color-washing is. Another example that proves my point is The Ancient One from Doctor Strange, a lot more people criticized the white-washing and gender-bending of that character - who was an old Asian man in the comics - because they knew about it. Doctor Strange had more marketing and made more money than all three Blade movies combined, so more people knew about Ancient One than Whistler. The first two was just him mentioning IQ studies, while the third was him calling out Whoopi Goldberg's dumb comment about Jews and the holocaust. Not exactly proof. You assume it would be worse if it was the other way around with no proof, just a bias on your part. All color washing has been condemned, it only seems color-washing whites is more condemned because companies promote it more, like they're proud of it. When they push something radical, expect equal push-back. Feel free to list examples of when white-washing was promoted as proudly (if at all) as color-washing, I'm actually curious. Because I've never seen it, ever. White-washing has happened, but nobody was ever proud or spiteful about it like they are with color-washing white characters. So it <i>is</i> a comedy then? That explains the title. Reading it out made me flashback to manga and light novel blurb titles that have been showing up lately. When did Overton say that? You mention one example of white-washing from a movie almost nobody saw or remembers, and you actually think that means people don’t care? I’ve got a movie for you: The Last Airbender. On top of being an overall bad movie that more people saw, it was criticized for white-washing. Based on your logic, that alone destroys your entire argument, even if we ignore that the few people who did watch Pan criticized the white-washing. Yes, you are exaggerating because you know your argument is weak. Black-washing appears to be criticized more because companies essentially advertise it, like they’re proud of it. Nobody advertises white-washing. <blockquote>Funny how come nothing is said by people such as yourself about Tiger Lily being white washed in the movie Pan?</blockquote> Why assume he even watched that movie? Let alone that he had no problem with the white-washing? That's quite a poor and desperate strawman argument. By the way, Pan bombed, meaning not a lot of people watched it, and therefore likely didn't even know about a white-washed Tiger Lily. The few that watched it <i>did</i> criticize the casting choice, and Rooney Mara already publicly expressed her regret for playing that role, so there's no use in bringing that up for whatever point you're trying to make. Before Columbus, nobody even knew that there were western continents. The few that stumbled onto them barely made use of the land. Thanks to Columbus, European colonists were able to create one of the most powerful and desirable countries in the world. What atrocities do you think Columbus or the colonists committed? And what makes you think you have any privilege? The natives aren't the first or the true Americans because A) “America” wasn't created as a nation until 1776, and B) more and more studies have shown that other people from different parts of the world arrived in the north-western continent before the “natives” did. <blockquote> acknowledging failure is a step toward to Growth and Elysium</blockquote> If that’s really what this is about, then there’s plenty of failure to talk about for the natives, but you seem to be racist towards the colonists and only wanna talk bad about them. The natives weren’t the first ones in America, not that it matters even if they were. They don’t deserve special treatment, and they haven’t earned a holiday. I don’t know what happened to your grammar skills at the end, you started speaking incoherently, something about Hawaii. But he has a life, bruh. He’s too busy for common sense. So do I, and I still have time to watch movies. Try again 😄 Kid, even my 70-year-old father remembers that the entire first act of the movie took place on the same desert planet where Luke lived, and he hasn’t seen it in a long time either. It was that obvious. If you wanna coexist, stop complaining about the past. But if you really wanna play that card, the natives weren’t innocent either, not by a long shot, and they don’t have any accomplishments to warrant a holiday for them. Just a whole bunch of failures and wrongdoings. Wow, a whole clip just for that 😄 it helps prove our point at least.