MovieChat Forums > LanceDance > Replies
LanceDance's Replies
Nope, the only people who genuinely care about race and gender, and make them issues, are the leftwingers. Real fans never cared about that stuff, they just wanted to be left alone with their hobbies. At one point it was cool that nerdy stuff was becoming mainstream, if only we knew that becoming mainstream also meant letting the bigot leftist activists in.
There’s the occasional troll post that pretends to care one way or the other about the straight-white-male/marginalized ratio, but otherwise it’s leftwingers that have this fetish with marginalized groups.
So *your* argument lacks foundation.
Leftwingers really should leave. They don’t add anything valuable to this board or any board.
Who said they were gonna boycott Star Wars because he was in it, though? The Chinese? Now that I could believe.
Sounds like you should take your grievances to Leftwing Star Wars "fans" who only care about how progressive something is, or rather, their version of progressive.
All they care about is how many women there are, how many POCs there are, and how many LGBTs there are, all while hating on straight white men. It doesn't matter how good the actor is, how well-written the character is, or how negatively affected the story is when it's pushed aside for agendas, these fake fans only care about representation for the sake of it. Their lives are empty and meaningless, so they need validation and a sense of fulfillment by winning internet brownie points.
Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel and DC comics, they've all been progressive, and these leftwing "fans" would know that if they actually invested into those franchises. They've had strong women before, they've had POCs before, they've even had LGBTs before. The writers back then were talented enough to make all those characters likable without shoving their identity politics in our faces. The stories all had some level of politics that were relevant to the story, which may or may not have been inspired by real-life politics, but either way still managed to be timeless and fun and not dated, lecture-y, and condescending. Many writers today suck at their job, they only know how to shove their agendas in our faces without telling good stories with likable characters, all while using race/gender/sexuality as a shield from valid criticism, and antagonizing the fans who have been loyal to these franchises and characters for decades.
These franchises are not for leftwingers and their usual bigotry. Star Wars and those other franchises I mentioned were clearly not made for them.
So, Leftwing "fans" should leave this board. They are not fans and they don't belong here.
All of those articles suggested that it was Disney that mistreated him, not these supposed rightwing racists.
Well in that case, why not? 😄
Depends on who “you” are. Are you a fan who wants to respect the source material? Are you a Hollywood producer who wants to fill a quota? Or are you a casual who’s easily entertained by anything?
Robert Englund, the original (white) actor who played him, also comes to mind for many people.
Well, if it was the other way around, and Freddy was originally a black guy and they cast a white actor in the remake, do you think people would just accept it? Even if you told them “his face is burnt so it doesn’t really matter”?
Or what if it was an original black character like Candyman? His skin color technically doesn’t matter, so they could get a white guy in a remake, do you think people would just accept that?
I didn’t hate it, but it still wasn’t that good overall. I enjoyed the Friday the 13th remake a lot more.
I’m not as… “concerned” or “passionate”, for lack of a better word, when it comes to slasher movies, but I may still bring it up on principle.
It’s more about the overall design. If they look a certain way, and act a certain way, I’d prefer they keep them that way.
If I grew up with a character, and I’ve gotten attached to how that character is, I want that character to remain intact as much as possible. Some changes are inevitable, but keep them minimal. This especially applies if the character is based on a real person, and/or someone rooted in culture, mythology, and ethnicity.
Accuracy to the source material matters to me, which can include skin color if that’s one of the things they changed.
I don’t know if others mentioned this, but other video game adaptations took similar liberties to Sonic, with varying success.
Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Prince of Persia, and Halo all took the characters and backstory and put them in mostly original scenarios, side-stepping the need for accuracy.
Meanwhile other adaptations like Detective Pikachu, Castlevania, Mortal Kombat, and Street Fighter stuck much closer to the source material visually and it plot-wise, while only making the changes necessary for a movie or tv show, again to varying success.
The biggest reason the Sonic movies were successful was because they listened to the fan backlash and and changed Sonic’s design in the first movie to something resembling the game. Much of the movie had already been shot, many of his scenes already animated, yet they still took the time to fix him, without antagonizing the fans. That kind of respect was noticed throughout various fandoms, not just Sonic’s.
The movie itself was fine, as good as Detective Pikachu. Plot-wise they were nothing special, they were saved by their game-accurate creature designs, and that’s what fans appreciated. That’s also likely why the other latter adapations I mentioned did well too, as long as the fans can see a resemblance to the games, and enough effort was put into them, they’ll flock to the theater to watch these movies based on their beloved games. Being lore-accurate helps a lot too for the more story-based games, but as long as the movie is respectful to the source material and its fans, people will watch it.
Freddy used to be human, and the movies showed him from before he was burnt, so it kinda does matter.
What kind of argument is that? lol
I'm a little late to the party since I only recently finished season 3, after which I came to this board to see what people thought, and I saw this thread.
<blockquote>Seriously? We're really doing this? How about you compile a list of successful media of recent history that's devoid of "woke" content?</blockquote>
That's actually very easy to do. There's plenty of non-woke franchises that did very well, most of which came out before 2011-2015 when wokeness really took off, although there are some that came out after 2015 that didn't go woke and managed to do well too. Many of them may have been diverse, but that doesn't make them woke. You want some examples of non-woke franchises that did well?
Star Wars (first 6)
The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit
Most superhero movies
Harry Potter
Avatar (wokeness level is debatable)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Fast and Furious
Mission Impossible
James Bond
Terminator (first 3)
The Matrix (first 3)
Legend of Zelda
Mass Effect
God of War
Gears of War
Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter
Call of Duty
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil
Dragon Ball
One Piece
Demon Slayer
Attack on Titan
Demon Slayer
My Hero Academia
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
and on and on and on...
Nobody has a problem with diversity, what they have a problem with is wokeness, such as when racist writers hate on straight white people and glorify "marginalized" groups, writers that lie about history and insert their radical views when it usually has nothing to do with the story or characters, and being lectured to when people just wanna escape and have fun. That's what woke is, and that's why more things are failing now.
A lot of what you and I brought up did well at first, until they went woke (among other reasons), while the CW never really needed a lot of viewers and profits to keep their shows running, so mentioning them is moot. Woke stuff that appeared to do well at first, like Captain Marvel or the Star Wars sequels, turned out to only be short-term success based on waning popularity and failed merchandise sales and theme-park attractions.
"No social commentary"
That's actually a good thing if it's true. I'm so done with the social commentary.
Calm down, amigo. Eat a snickers.
Looking back, you're right. T3 takes place in 2004, a year after the movie was released, while T4 did say "In the early 21st Century" instead of "in 2003", so my bad.
That said, T4 is still a sequel to T3. Judgement day happened in the early 21st Century as shown in T3, and Kate Brewster from T3 came back in T4. It wasn't until Genesis and Dark Fate where each new movie ignored everything but the first two movies.
Eh, I don’t know. Back when I was a kid, at around the 12-13 year-old range, I remember starting to get into the kissy and jealous stuff. Other kids were like that too.
Harry Potter was more stereotypical and innocent with its portrayal of kids, and how people think they behave, and that’s fine. But Percy Jackson seemed more… realistic, with how kids are, or can be.
<blockquote>I don't think they outright say it.</blockquote>
Oh they outright say it too. I've seen more than enough tweets and Facebook posts where they blatantly say they hate straight white people and want them to die. After years of claiming historical contexts and sugarcoating, they've stopped caring about nuance and bluntly admit their hatred.
<blockquote>Conservatives will show up to events with confederation flags. You have the KKK and groups like Proud Boys who will openly say racist things.</blockquote>
As we said before, the KKK are liberals, the confederates too. They just don't have the (open) support of the Democrats at this time. As for the Proud Boys, based on what I've read, they're an odd bunch to say the least, but their members are of different races and have mostly clashed with Antifa which, as you've admitted, isn't the virtuous group it claims to be. Saying that they're alt-right or racist is a stretch.
I won't pretend all conservatives are saints, but most if not all of the hatred and bigotry that keeps getting reported have come from liberals. As someone who's not straight or white, I'd rather live among conservatives than liberals. More often than not, I've seen conservatives show far more tolerance than liberals.