MovieChat Forums > JoWilli2 > Replies
JoWilli2's Replies
did u stop yet?
but its huge!
well they just voted in the same person 3 times, not very smart..
it wasnt early voting that was the problem, it was the people who counted the votes...
only had 1 good song maybe 2, watched the netflix show about Bob weir. their music was mostly appealing to the hippies on acid and other drugs. life and music is always better on drugs. then they got cult status in the 80's where it was cool to go to a show. not for the music, but just to say you went to a grateful dead concert...
i agree,,,//
wipe my butt and rub my hairy legs....
11 minorities, 18 people, ug...
i doubt it as well, reboots hardly even work. the first one was even all that successful. and its a terrible time to release a movie like this....
haha wut
humans working on viruses, what can go wrong?
what are your thoughts on the 15,000 Haitians stuck in limbo on the border? stay in Mexico and get beaten or cross the border and be deported back to Haiti.
worst fake president ever
sadly, this is the truth...
but you have no problem with another black man being assaulted right? what happened to blm? luckily for the main stream media and liberals he is a republican, so no one cares. Larry Elder was assaulted and a woman with a gorilla masked attacked him. as normal, no one cares, cause he is a republican,. so much for equality for all...
it finally made the national news,,, I was surprised, still not much outrage though...
wipe my butt!
Party: Republican Party and black, no one is going to give a damn like usual..., now I know there was no outrage today or protests or riots...