MovieChat Forums > DevonteHuntley > Replies
DevonteHuntley's Replies
This is thirty years later dude. You think she'd still be that way now? No. Was either Daniel or Johnny tolerable in the original? They both annoyed me and ironically in ways, still carried that way now especially Johnny who came off as a man-child who wanted to play games all the time, so I get being skeptical with Julie. But Julie being a female, she'd probably grow to be humbler and more mature than her male counterparts for anyone to appreciate her now in her 40s.
But come on, she was like a kid then and this was thirty years ago. Time to grow up and look back at things with new light. She would be returning to a revival acknowledging all the moves, now as a middle-aged adult with new lenses and a story-arc, not her returning to Next Karate Kid 2.0 with the same material and thus another horrible experience.
While she had quite the fame throughout the late 1990s-2000s, what has she even been in that was all that popular the last decade? Unless I've been ignorant to the media worse than I thought, I don't recall her being involved in any huge projects that measure up to what she could have gained being in Cobra Kai, or her name being talked about in a major way. It seem like her popularity faded.
Hilary Swank didn't want to return for whatever reason. They had plans to bring Julie into the mix. You dolt.
Also, the movie WAS acknowledged because it changed Miyagi's name from what we learned in the second movie, and Season 6 built a storyline around it being a fake one he went by. SO THERE.
Okay, I get the whole famous thing better now. She did make a successful career of herself afterwards better than the other Karate Kid colleagues, though Morita had quite a career beforehand and Macchio was in some successful movies before, during, and after his KK arc like "The Outsiders", "My Cousin Vinny", etc. to name a couple.
The scene with Danny's mom was quite odd because I didn't think she would be that close to Miyagi to know all of that. Definitely more of a Julie moment there, but it makes me wonder what role she would have had prior in the story had this been her part at the end.
She better or I'm gonna taunt her on social media until she realizes her worth in this franchise she ought to take for granted.
Rather a stupid way for her to think when the franchise is rather one of the biggest out there with Cobra Kai coming along to reinvent that spark, even paving the way for a new movie to come about. She might not have been in the most successful movie in the series, but the overall franchise success is there for her to still claim to her own benefit. She should have taken it while the iron was hot and who knows? It could have gotten new fans to maybe go back and appreciate that underrated fourth movie.
No, I've been on message boards since the 2000s.
As if I care about you being spoiled. Boo hoo. At least I didn't spoil how they died.
First off, that article title is rather silly though, "Why the Most Famous 'Karate Kid' Star Didn't Appear in 'Cobra Kai'..." like she wasn't that at all...but okay.
But anyway, that's a damn shame. I was anticipating her return. Hilary did an interview a year ago where she was asked this and she left the answer ambiguous like she was open to it. Not sure what the heck that was about if she didn't want to return.
Also, years ago I asked one of the creators about the continuity and them merging even the 2010 version into the universe because while that was suppose to be a "remake", it had a whole different setting, characters, story beats, it could work as happening in the same universe. I was told that only the first four movies were canon, so they were gonna acknowledge the fourth which they did with Season 6 starting off with the whole arc with Miyagi's fake name, Keisuke, which was referenced in the fourth movie.
But lookie here, the 2010 remake is wooven into the universe after all. Popularity aside, it wouldn't make sense for them to "pretend" the fourth doesn't exist especially when the 2010 version wasn't really that well received either and they're doing a whole sequel to it. Also, if they could find a way to tie Mr. Han with Daniel LaRusso AND THEY LIVE ON DIFFERENT CONTINENTS, there's obviously no reason they couldn't do the same with Julie when she's in the same country.
Damn Hilary, she disappoint me, especially with the 2010 movie being bridged into this with Jackie Chan returning in the next movie, it's a real bust not seeing her back yet. Maybe she puts on a surprise cameo in that movie or could in the next if they do another, but I certainly like to see her again!
How will she even get her body back? Wasn't it destroyed? It's not like there were copies of it for her AI system to just jump into like at the end of the Child's Play remake with Chucky when he got destroyed. I believe her info went into some other electronic appliance. Who will even have the sense to give her life again as normal as a humanoid?
I didn't think this was needed at all, but let's see what they do with it I guess...
I think the movie establishes clear as day that Elias Voorhees had Diane with another woman. Adam also never stated she was to be Pamela's daughter. Also, the timeline has been shifted back by this point so Pamela dying in 1980 (or even 1979 by the 4th movie) is no longer the case as that now happened much sooner. But given Diane's age, assuming Elias had her following Jason's drowning or even years before the original if he and Pamela parted by then, you do have an issue there. To get around that you'd have to say he cheated on Pamela early on in their relationship or already had a daughter before he met Pamela.
No, Judy didn't want to deal with CBS anymore and wanted complete control over her show, so she ditched them to start another. She even did a new version of her Hot Bench show known as Tribunal Justice with two of the former Hot Bench judges on it with her son.
Considering he would have been 31 at the time of this (born in spring 1890), I'd be utterly shocked if this was his actual appearance at the time.
Quite a blessing to come across this forum and seeing my old IMDB comments from way yonder. The show has been on BounceTV lately so I figured to come here and see who's been posting.
How about you get raped? I doubt he was even innocent and got away fooling the system and being privileged. Eat me. Point is, he was a then-household name of a criminal case for an era that would go down in history like with those before him such as George Zimmerman, Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, Chris Watts, Dylann Roof, Elliot Rodger, Nikolas Cruz, etc. from the last dozen years and so on. Now eat me.
He's not getting the last word. He shutted the fuck up in one thread. Let's see if he so here.
Look who's talking. You clearly get your kicks off of stretching threads out like a British peasant. You shut up on the other thread and yet you want to keep jerking off here. How insane. :P
I can do whatever I put my mind to, something you constantly do with your flat dick.
It was never yours. You get out and stay out before I make your head into a packet of old CDs.
Yeah and all that time you've been an ingrown tree root. :D
I've been spelling right you dumbbell. Now shut the fuck up and stop trying to get the last word. You look desperate.