MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > STILL NO JULIE PIERCE?


They found NO WAY to integrate her into the story? I'm disappointed. All the characters they brought back from the movies to even MINOR ones, and they couldn't utilize Miyagi's other main student? Complained to the creators about this on twitter, no response yet.

Also, Kreese and Silver die and nothing of that is mentioned in the last episode nor are they alluded to really. The only reference made to either of them is when Wolf asks his students where Silver was before his fight with Johnny. They gave us that false insight where we see Johnny in the cemetery at the start, thinking he's visiting Kreese, but instead his mother? Who cares about her! Rather stupid how they handled that too.


The minor characters are still tied to this story, they know these characters, and live in the area etc. Julie lived on the other side of the country, and only knew Miyagi.

However I think the real reason they never tried to bring her in to the story is that the movie just wasn't that popular, so rather pretend that it doesn't exist.

Edit: Actually it seems like they did want to bring her into the show, it was Hillary Swank that had no interest in doing it.


First off, that article title is rather silly though, "Why the Most Famous 'Karate Kid' Star Didn't Appear in 'Cobra Kai'..." like she wasn't that at all...but okay.

But anyway, that's a damn shame. I was anticipating her return. Hilary did an interview a year ago where she was asked this and she left the answer ambiguous like she was open to it. Not sure what the heck that was about if she didn't want to return.

Also, years ago I asked one of the creators about the continuity and them merging even the 2010 version into the universe because while that was suppose to be a "remake", it had a whole different setting, characters, story beats, it could work as happening in the same universe. I was told that only the first four movies were canon, so they were gonna acknowledge the fourth which they did with Season 6 starting off with the whole arc with Miyagi's fake name, Keisuke, which was referenced in the fourth movie.

But lookie here, the 2010 remake is wooven into the universe after all. Popularity aside, it wouldn't make sense for them to "pretend" the fourth doesn't exist especially when the 2010 version wasn't really that well received either and they're doing a whole sequel to it. Also, if they could find a way to tie Mr. Han with Daniel LaRusso AND THEY LIVE ON DIFFERENT CONTINENTS, there's obviously no reason they couldn't do the same with Julie when she's in the same country.

Damn Hilary, she disappoint me, especially with the 2010 movie being bridged into this with Jackie Chan returning in the next movie, it's a real bust not seeing her back yet. Maybe she puts on a surprise cameo in that movie or could in the next if they do another, but I certainly like to see her again!


She probably is the biggest star to have appeared in the franchise, but she didn't do anything for it's popularity. Its basically a before they were famous movie. She did, it's was kind of forgotten, and she went on to be successful later. Macchio, Zabka etc made an alltime great movie, regardless of anything they did after that. So biggest star maybe, biggest karate kid star, definately not.

Anyway, I found another article that said that if they introduced Julie, she was going to have some information about Miyagi's past. So I think the scene where Daniels mother gave Samantha the Pearl necklace, and gave the story about how Miyagi had to kill a guard who stole may been what they had planned for Julie if she returned.


Okay, I get the whole famous thing better now. She did make a successful career of herself afterwards better than the other Karate Kid colleagues, though Morita had quite a career beforehand and Macchio was in some successful movies before, during, and after his KK arc like "The Outsiders", "My Cousin Vinny", etc. to name a couple.

The scene with Danny's mom was quite odd because I didn't think she would be that close to Miyagi to know all of that. Definitely more of a Julie moment there, but it makes me wonder what role she would have had prior in the story had this been her part at the end.


To be fair she's still a sonewhat relevant actress, Ralph, Zabka, Kove where pretty much doing cameos or parts in shitty straight to DVD roles before Cobra Kai.

For Ralph etc Karate Kid is their career, for her she probably looks at Karate Kid, the way Bill Gates looks back at his time at McDonald's, it paid the rent for a brief time, but it in no way defines his career.


Rather a stupid way for her to think when the franchise is rather one of the biggest out there with Cobra Kai coming along to reinvent that spark, even paving the way for a new movie to come about. She might not have been in the most successful movie in the series, but the overall franchise success is there for her to still claim to her own benefit. She should have taken it while the iron was hot and who knows? It could have gotten new fans to maybe go back and appreciate that underrated fourth movie.


I get what you are saying, however I'm assuming she's rich enough to either not need to return and get more fans, or at least more relevant that she could her own films/shows rather than revisit the past.

Seemingly she hated Next Karate Kid and apparently had a terrible time making it, if true then yeah I don't blame her for not wanting to return. Plus it's not like Shue where she had worked with Ralph, Zabka etc before and would think " Why not I got along with them years ago, one or two episodes won't harm."


But come on, she was like a kid then and this was thirty years ago. Time to grow up and look back at things with new light. She would be returning to a revival acknowledging all the moves, now as a middle-aged adult with new lenses and a story-arc, not her returning to Next Karate Kid 2.0 with the same material and thus another horrible experience.

While she had quite the fame throughout the late 1990s-2000s, what has she even been in that was all that popular the last decade? Unless I've been ignorant to the media worse than I thought, I don't recall her being involved in any huge projects that measure up to what she could have gained being in Cobra Kai, or her name being talked about in a major way. It seem like her popularity faded.


Off the top of my head she was The Hunt and Logan Lucky. I believe she launched her own fashion line, although no idea how successful it was.

Yeah she's not as popular as she once was, but it wouldn't quite put her in the has been category like Ralph was or the almost made it like Zabka before Cobra Kai.

I'd have liked to seen her return but understand why she didn't.

Another thing I believe she just gave birth, I recall after Season 5 fans had the theory she'd come in and fight the female Kim, until she announced she was pregnant.


Are you fucking posting spoilers without warning us?

The hell is wrong with you?

Is this your first time in a message board?


Yea, the nerve of some people



No, I've been on message boards since the 2000s.

As if I care about you being spoiled. Boo hoo. At least I didn't spoil how they died.


I'm not defending the OP for posting a spoiler, but here's some advice from someone that's been on message boards for over 20 years. Never go on a movie or TV show's topic unless you are all caught up. You went on a Cobra Kai topic a day after the season was released. What did you expect was going to happen? I'm not calling you stupid, but it was incredibly careless. Trust me, I learned the hard way.


I thought Silver would rise from the flames after the explosion. There is still the new Karate Kid movie, and the producers allude to there possibly being more in the franchise in the future in the Behind the Dojo special feature, so she could be involved in a later installment.


She better or I'm gonna taunt her on social media until she realizes her worth in this franchise she ought to take for granted.


That could be a post credits scene in the upcoming Karate Kid movie.


I love Hilary Swank as an actress, but the character of Julie was insufferable. I'm glad she didn't show up in Cobra Kai


This is thirty years later dude. You think she'd still be that way now? No. Was either Daniel or Johnny tolerable in the original? They both annoyed me and ironically in ways, still carried that way now especially Johnny who came off as a man-child who wanted to play games all the time, so I get being skeptical with Julie. But Julie being a female, she'd probably grow to be humbler and more mature than her male counterparts for anyone to appreciate her now in her 40s.


Check the post credits scene after the final episode. You may be surprised


I did and got nothing but just the credits. There was no scene afterwards.


Check it again. You must have missed it


It didn't show anything else.

It's definitely not the scene with Daniel and Johnny at that restaurant where Daniel tries to catch a bug with chopsticks because that was before the credits, though it comes off like it could be a post-credits scene.
