DevonteHuntley's Posts

Hulu canceled their book adaption series that was in development for four years.... STILL NO JULIE PIERCE? UGH... Overrated and a mess Finally saw this movie in full... This show ruined Lucy and Desi's marriage Al Jean and Matt Selman needs to go Timeline should have been handled more swifter Apparently there's another remake that was released this year Silver being worse than Kreese? Linking the 2010 "remake" with the original canon was a smart move Why did it take them 23 years to do this? Should Judith have been a random girl/babysitter? Charles Cyphers' small role? The point of this? Why not a legacy sequel? They're REALLY going through with this....I hope everyone involved gets cursed An alternative storyline I came up with. What do you guys think? Should have been more of an expanded setting