degray9's Replies

Career is done for stating the truth and being sensible? Lol sure I’m not the one who can’t tell that opera and theatre are the same thing you dumb turd You can’t be racist against whites if you’re white, stop being ridiculous I’m going to give the power/privilege definition because it’s literally impossible for that to be racist. The movie has no story or character development, it’s a bad movie, sorry It’s literally impossible to be “anti-white.” Aha, as you can see I was not referring to any sexual proclivities with my comment but merely in reference towards your carefree and sunny disposition. A totally platonic observation of your totally platonic question. Good try sir! You suck The most likely cause of our extinction will be nuclear war. Everyday there is always a dangerously strong chance that an accident or computer error can cause a nuclear conflict to break out and annihilate life on this planet. LOL this is the gayest thang I’ve ever read Well he got his hot coffee in the end — to the face Opera is literally theatre you fool. Is this the hill you want to die on? I’m sorry, but what is retarded about “Iko Iko”? 1. Bambi: Bambi’s mother is shot by the hunter 2. Midnight Cowboy: The ending with Ratso on the bus 3. Rain Man: When Charlie finds out who the Rain Man really was. These days it would be a lot more difficult to keep it, especially if it’s dirty money and the bills are marked. You’d have to launder a million dollars, and in the 21st century the majority of businesses are not cash operations but use credit. You’d have to open your own business like a car wash or restaurant and then slowly wash the money over many years. And if the IRS comes knocking you have to make sure your affairs are in order. More trouble than it’s worth. Hi biology major for the time being. It totally is the antivaxers fault. The viral strain wouldnt have tried to mutate this drastically, this quickly if ppl took the vaccine and stopped the spreading in a surefire way (quaranting, masking, etc.). But since not everyone did preventative measures, the strain could slip inbetween the cracks and mutate to make the vaccine not as effective. The antivaxers didnt cause it! I also didnt specify americans, so chill out there! Low vaccination rates, mainly the fact that the billionaires made the decision to not allow the vaccines to be widely accessible through patents is what caused the variants to emerge, in deltas case, in India. The continued spread is because of nobody using preventative measures and allowing it to spread. Cause and Effect are two separate things, don't forget that friend! Those morons are responsible for mask orders coming back and another possible lockdown. Herd immunity can only be achieved if everyone is vaccinated, but the now these inbreds have allowed it to mutate and pass along the Delta variant. Rollo Tomassi He’s not much of a lead guitarist, but he’s an excellent rhythm guitarist. Probably one of the best like Keith Richards. Eh, I’d say what you’re talking about with stop motion and models is very different from performed stunts that are actually dangerous.