Abed303's Replies

I agree with you about Miles’ lack of charisma, which is why Miles didn’t win anyone over until he did things for them. With Claire though, it was a LOCAL election. That would likely equate to winning a position on a city or town council. That’s not a difficult thing to do. I personally know a few people in state and city government. One, who’s a member of their state senate, started off in their early 20’s running for town council. Assisting candidates in local elections isn’t as involved as you’re making it out to be. Things as simple as canvasing neighborhoods or organizing a few local events can make the difference. Maybe he knew someone with PR experience or even campaign experience. Everyone in the group was stupid, and unmotivated, which is why it wasn’t much work to help each of them. Take Duke for example, Miles set him up at twitch. How effortless was that? What did he even do, just suggest that Duke sign up? More than anything, he just provided everyone with the motivation that they needed to get of their asses. Your post asks two straightforward questions: how everyone got rich, and why Andi would work with Miles. Both questions had answers provided in the film and this thread. Johnson could have provided more details, but they’re just not important to the story. The last thing the movie needed was an extra half-hour of flashbacks. Also, Helen explained to Blanc how she tried to warn Andi that her group of friends were "shitheads", but Andi didn't listen. It's clear that Andi was a very poor judge of character. She also shared Miles' insecure need to try to inflate himself. Miles tried to sound smart with his vocabulary and Andi changed her accent. They were both idiots in reality. He's definitely an idiot, but he knew enough to run Alpha with Andi for a decade. I wouldn't say that being an idiot and a successful businessman are mutually exclusive. I wouldn’t label him a vacuous non-entity, more like a sleazy businessman with a few connections. In a flashback Helen explains that when Miles met the group everyone was washed up. He got Birdie a show for her designs, got Lionel published, he got Duke set up with Twitch, and helped Claire win a local election. Then Andi came up with the napkin idea. Andi and Miles started Alpha and it blew up. They took the rest of the group along for the ride, presumably as investors; that's how they all got rich. Miles is a snake in the grass, but at the time Andi had no reason to not trust him. He had just helped out all of her friends and seemed trustworthy. In fact, everything was going great for 10 years until Miles got obsessed with the hydrogen fuel concept. The rest of the group got greedy and conspired with him to cut Andi out so they could all profit from the hydrogen fuel concept. Helen would never file a lawsuit because the company was worthless by the end of the movie. Miles poured all of the company’s resources into the hydrogen fuel concept then it literally and figuratively blew up in his face. I’m sure truth about the napkin would be revealed in testimony during Miles’ murder trial anyways and that’ll be enough for the court of public opinion I think it’s probable that there’s a lot of evidence for Andi’s murder. Once the police arrived at the Island they would treat the accusations the group hurled against Miles seriously. Suddenly Andi’s death is investigated as a possible homicide. It’s very possible that he left DNA evidence at Andi’s house. He had to pick her up, take her to the garage, and then place her in the car. Then he searched her house for the envelope. Even without DNA evidence, he was stupid enough to drive his one-of-a-kind Porche to commit the crime. So investigators will start asking neighbors if they noticed the car that day, maybe even the general public. He’d get picked up by dozens of cameras on his drive from NYC to her house, maybe a neighbor’s security camera too. His car might have GPS history that he forgot to clear. There’s also copies of the fax Lionel sent him at his other properties. Since Miles got to Andi’s house so fast it’s also probable that he has a prescription for the sleeping pills that were in Andi’s system. Blanc made a point to declare Miles an idiot, so I’d expect many careless errors. Financially, Miles is completely fucked as well. Aside from his legal bills and his worthless company, he is most certainly on the hook for value of the Mona Lisa because he installed an illegal override switch to the case. What’s worse is he’ll forever be known for installing the switch and burning the Mona Lisa. Nobody outside the group would know that Helen was actually the one that burned the painting, and Blanc was smart enough to deliberately avoid witnessing that. The hyphens represent accents. Your "ah-gutah" is missing a second accent, regardless of the fact that "tur" and "ter" sound the same. What you wrote is someone from Boston saying "a gutter" (drainpipe). That's not how her name is pronounced. She's British moron. Watch the clip and tell me that's the same thing as "a gutter" (drainpipe) He's missing an accent, those two are not pronounced the same. What's sad is that you bumped a 6-month old post so you could correct Nanook and make fun of stev, but you're also wrong. In fact, Nanook is closer than you. Her name is pronounced "a-guh-tur", not a synonym for a drainpipe as you suggest. Watch this clip starting at 1:00: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EiJZ66Sdlw I'm not conservative, but it's incredibly unfair to lump those twitter-fueled conspiracy theorists with real conservatives. In the U.S. there are over 9600 people worth at least 100 million. 735 of those people are billionaires. That averages to just over 14 billionaires and 177 centimillionaires for every state. https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/money/2022/10/18/us-has-highest-number-of-super-wealthy-worth-100m-or-more/ https://www.forbes.com/billionaires/ Heroin is not designed to make you dependent on it, nor "designed to take full control over your mind and body". It was designed, ironically, as a less-addictive morphine alternative, for medical use. Yes, it has horrible long-term effects, and an overwhelming majority of its users become addicted. The same can be said about tobacco products, another legal product in the U.S. Even more, your point is irrelevant to the argument that prohibition of illegal drugs has been an abysmal failure. The drugs are already illegal, yet their use is rampant. The government has proven incapable of keeping those drugs out of society. Legalization and regulation offers better outcomes for the government, its drug users, and its non drug users. Lets compare this to alcohol... Alcohol has incredibly damaging effects on society. Over 140,000 people die each year in the U.S. from excessive alcohol consumption and an average of 32 people die every day in the U.S. from alcohol related car crashes. It's also completely legal and society is much better off for it. Alcohol consumption is an important and positive aspect of our society when used appropriately. Some people use alcohol appropriately and other do not, there's not much that society can do to prevent it either; prohibition has taught us as much. This is why legalization and regulation is an appropriate solution for alcohol and likely other illegal drugs. If someone gets drunk and commits some sort of crime while intoxicated, they bear the responsibility for their actions. It's not the fault of the store clerk who sold the alcohol, nor the manufacturer of the alcohol, nor the lawmakers who made alcohol legal, and certainly not the citizens who support alcohol's legal status. https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/features/excessive-alcohol-deaths.html https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates I understand that that Sauron's ascent is a certainty, as the show is a prequel, but it didn't need to make Galadriel's stupidity the linchpin of his success. My point was that the writers failed to create a compelling reason for why Galadriel would hide such a critical piece of information. I agree with you that so many prequels fail because the audience essentially already knows the ending, like the ROP writers trying and failing to build suspense around Isildur's "death". What surprised me was the writers spent so much time trying to build up Galadriel as some great and righteous female figure, discovering evidence of Sauron's return when none of the elves would listen. Then in the finale, they basically make her responsible for the entire War of the Ring. Sauron literally told Galadriel that she helped him let go of his past and gave him the ambition to seize control of Middle-earth. He, again, literally told her not to warn the others about him, to simply let the work of crafting the rings continue and that's exactly what that idiot did, except to suggest crafting a third ring. There was no reason not to warn everyone; Sauron deceived Celebrimbor and Elrond as well, it's not like she was the only one to fall for his deception. The elves, dwarves, and men all could have been warned about Sauron's return and ambitions. Then maybe the elves would have been suspicious of some guy, claiming to be the Lord of Gifts, giving away secrets of magic ring crafting shortly after. If not, maybe some of the dwarves or men would have been suspicious of some guy handing out magic rings shortly after that. In both Predator 2 and AVP, the gift of a weapon was used as an expression of respect. The predators have only ever collected skulls as trophies so it would be strange to collect the gun for a trophy instead of Naru's skull. I think it's entirely possible that Naru winds up giving the gun to the elder predator. This predator wasn't hunting so much as he was battling and slaughtering anything in his path; it just felt off. In the original, the predator spent most of his time stalking the humans, picking his moments, and collecting his trophies. Also, why would the predator bother collecting snake or wolf skulls? This predator easily killed a 1000lb grizzly bear and effortlessly lifted it over his head, killed countless humans. How many sports fishermen have sunfish mounted on their wall? How many big game hunters have raccoon heads on their wall? Also, the predator in Prey was practically invincible. He was shot through the back of the head, impaled through his torso, hit with arrows and spears, even lost his arm and it seemed to only angered him. In the original, the predator was shot in the leg and he had to retreat because of it. When he used his med kit on the wound he screamed in pain so loud Dutch and his remaining group could hear it through the jungle. The original predator was not invincible, just a skilled hunter equipped with better technology. This new predator's inability to understand how his own targeting system worked was off as well. It was silly that he either couldn't switch to manual targeting or at least know not to fire without his mask. However the predator never figures it out, even after multiple shots fired. These are just some of the issues that I thought ruined this film. Audiences don't need to actively avoid his work for producers to pass him over. It really comes down to whether a project could garner more enthusiasm from a different casting decision. If there's a reasonable chance Smith's involvement in a project might limit its profitability, it'd be an easy decision to pass him over. Will smith has never starred in a role because of his superior acting prowess, but because he drew in crowds. This. The pooping and finger chopping was the least it. She managed to walk away with $7 million, and still tried to destroy Depp's career and reputation with lies, hijacking a women's rights movement to do it. Except, one of them was Charles Xavier. It's completely absurd that Xavier wouldn't have read Strange's mind to instantly understand the threat he was warning them of. It's absurd that none of the other Illuminati would have thought to utilize Xavier to understand it either.