MovieChat Forums > Abed303 > Replies
Abed303's Replies
The dessert wasn't served until after the bill came. The kitchen was closed and Margot was all the way back at the boat before the marshmallows came out and chef revealed the dessert. By that time everyone was broken down and defeated; the guests were saying "thank you" and "we love you" by the time they were set on fire.
Also, I don't understand the criticisms centered around logically dissecting the movie in such a literal way; it's a satire. The entire movie is a commentary on the fine dining industry. It's like watching The Lobster and asking why couples care about having a common trait or why they have to be turned into animals if they don't.
Agreed, it would have been public knowledge before Blanc ever even met Helen.
Jeremy, the sous chef
Nobody knew they'd be burned alive when Margot was let go.
I agree that you can appreciate good food without being able to make it yourself. This guy bragged about owning a Pacojet though, a highly specialized piece of kitchen equipment that costs $8,000. It's something that you would only ever have in a commercial kitchen and almost certainly only in a fine dining establishment. It's like bragging about owning an Aston Martin, but not even knowing how to drive.
There's a detailed process for a president to declassify documents. The president has to check with the agency in charge of the documents first. If documents do become declassified, they're thoroughly vetted for any necessary redactions. Declassification orders have to be preserved and all affected agencies must be notified. Also, declassified documents have to be remarked to reflect the declassification. There is ZERO evidence that Trump went through any of that required process, which supports the obvious truth that he didn't declassify them.
Trump wouldn't have been subject to a search warrant if he had complied with the numerous requests to turn over the documents.
I don't agree with you, but your point highlights what I don't like about Greta Thunberg. She's quick to blame world leaders for the state of the environment, but she has no idea how difficult it is to unite a large group of people (never mind the entire world) around any cause or idea. It's one thing to advocate for change, I respect that. It's another thing entirely to blame everyone around you. I think she should run for political office and then maybe she'll learn how difficult it really is to affect behavior on a global, national, or even local scale.
There's NO evidence that he declassified them, only his crazy notion of declassifying them through thought. It was just a desperate claim by Trump to deflect blame.
I get my news from a variety of media sources, but rarely CNN. I don't even understand what you're arguing about as I already stated that Biden should be investigated for his mishandling of classified documents. I also think it's appropriate that Trump is being investigated for his mishandling of classified documents.
Trump didn't declassify shit. He used every excuse he could to deflect any blame for what he did. I'm all for investigating Biden's handling of the documents, but let an investigation uncover the facts before you go off on some rant about stolen documents for Ukraine.
What does this have to do with my reply?
It's utterly ridiculous to make the assumption that Biden was hiding documents for Ukraine. I imagine that he was careless with his handing of the documents, nothing malicious. I don't think Trump had malicious intent with his handling of classified documents either.
Yeah, going to a grand jury for a quick "no bill".
It's just as ridiculous that she would walk up within arms reach of Miles to show off the napkin.
He obviously thought the gun was real when he shot. He was scared and panicked. Then he got a lawyer before agreeing to turn himself in.
You must be trolling. I don't see how you could possibly gather that from the video. It seemed to me that he wanted to make sure that the robber was dead before he tried to retrieve the gun. Like i already said, he had two options: do nothing or shoot to kill.
Trump was given many chances to turn his documents over before a search warrant had to be executed. It's a very different situation with Biden. As far as indictments, Trump hasn't even been indicted for his handling of classified documents. Now that Republicans have majority in the house though, I would expect the matter to be investigated by a committee, and it should be.
What if the shooter stopped after 4 shots, put his gun down, and then the robber managed to roll over and get a shot or two off? Do you really expect him to take that chance out of some misconceived respect for the robber's life? It was an armed robbery and the man shot to kill, as he should have. There were only two realistic options for him: do nothing or shoot to kill.
Also, to infer that the shooter was looking to kill someone or relished in the opportunity based on a 35-second clip is wildly inappropriate.
Yeah, this is such a non-story. It was a dirty joke that got cut from the show, a rather mild one at that. To try and paint it as some objectification of women is pathetic. It's pretty common for adults to put a sex-themed spin on an otherwise innocent costume. If the world thinks it's okay for someone to turn a cartoon character into a sex symbol (an off-color joke), then it should be perfectly fine for another to make an off-color joke about it. It's not like the joke was demeaning in anyway. It was an adult joke aimed at an adult costume, nothing more.
His joke didn't even air, but its okay for Disney to make jokes about Hulk's dick or to have Pepper Potts shame a reporter for sleeping with Tony? At least Billy Bush's core audience doesn't consist of any children. I can''t imagine any sane person being offended by what he said.
When Obi Wan disappeared his clothing remained. It could have just been Vader's suit and prosthetics that were burned.
Where this movie really shines, for me, is the many ways that it pokes fun at the restaurant industry, particularly fine dining. I wasn't invested in any of the the characters or the story, but the satire was enough to keep me engaged.
The OP is discussing their thoughts on the movie, nothing more. They have a different opinion about the movie, one that you seemingly can't convince them to change. Get over it and cut the shit with all the ad-hominem crap. It doesn't bolster your own opinions in any way. I disagree with the OP's opinion in this thread, but I'm not about to start whining and attacking them when they don't align with my point of view. The whole point of this site is to discuss different views.