"For years, the U.S. sought an exit from Afghanistan. Then-President Donald Trump signed a deal with the Taliban in February 2020 that limited direct military action against the insurgents. That allowed the fighters to gather strength and move quickly to seize key areas when President Joe Biden announced his plans to withdraw all American forces by the end of this month."
Once again you are wrong. The drawdown began with OBAMA! Trump continued, but not completely.
Now Biden is at full throttle! BTW, when Obama began withdrawing in 2011 he left all the military equipment behind. Guess who’s taking advantage of our armament?
”Biden forges ahead where Trump and Obama failed on infrastructure and Afghanistan”
”His huge gamble on more than $4.5 trillion in infrastructure spending and an exit from America's longest war, *which threatens to trigger a foreign policy disaster*, are both unfolding in a dramatic August that could define his presidency. Alongside these twin historic pushes, the story of Biden's administration is also being shaped by *a resurgence of the pandemic that he thought he had beaten* and is deepening the national political estrangement he vowed to heal.”
”In his speech Senator Obama declared that “America can’t [win in Afghanistan] alone... The Afghan people need our troops and your troops; our support and your support to defeat the Taliban and al Qaeda, to develop their economy, and to help them rebuild their nation. We have too much at stake to turn back now.”
The linkage between al-Qa’eda and the Taliban has been made so often since 2001 that the terms have become almost interchangeable, as if they represent the same overall movement or phenomenon. Indeed, the Taliban regime that ruled Afghanistan from 1996 through 2001 harbored and supported Osama bin Laden and al-Qa’eda, enabling the attacks of September 11.
But their cooperation then (and now) does not mean they can be fought along similar lines. Obama’s close association of the two groups, WHICH MIRRORS THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION POLICY,simplifies a far more complex reality, against which a strategy based primarily on force and violence will likely fail.“
You have to go back further. Bush 2 started two wars. The complaint was that he should have focused only on Afghanistan.
9/11 likely happened because of anger when Americans were in Saudi Arabia and the war against Iraq started by Bush 1. The U.S. messy Middle East policy goes back further. Another reason to develop green energy instead of relying on oil.
More recently, there is plenty of blame for all the recent administrations. Afghan government was a corrupt U.S. puppet which most people didn't support. The U.S. also supported warlords which had committed human rights violations. Afghan was always going to be a quagmire since the Taliban could wait for the U.S. to leave and then retake the country.
Plan should have been to remain stationed there. But, Trump wanted to meet with as many tyrannical leaders as he could so he invited the Taliban to dinner at Camp David. Trump promised to leave which emboldened the Taliban.
You're afraid to answer about sending in U.S. troops to escalate a war in order to regain territory lost when Trump started pulling troops out of the region. American people would never support that.
Do you at least support bringing Afghans who helped the U.S. here or are you so hateful that you want them to die?
” 9/11 likely happened because of anger when Americans were in Saudi Arabia and the war against Iraq started by Bush.”
Am I reading you correctly? Are you stating 9/11 occurred because Bush started a war against Iraq? Explain please how the timeline works. 9/11 happened on September 11, 2001 and the war against Iraq began on March 19, 2003…18 months after 9/11
Also, how anyone can blame Bush for 9/11 is beyond reason. You can blame him for many other things, but not 9/11. You could blame Bill Clinton if you want to get technical. He was given Osama on a silver platter after the ‘93 bombing of the WTC. He chose not to due to the collateral damage of 300 villagers. So, instead we gave up over 3,000 souls. Thank God we didn’t fight WW2 in the same manner. We would have lost! Just think if Clinton had taken the offer there wouldn’t have been a 9/11 and an Iraq War. 🤷🏼♀️
”Bill Clinton, Hours Before 9/11 Attacks: 'I Could Have Killed' Osama bin Laden”
“I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have had to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him.
“And so I didn’t do it.”
Hours after Clinton spoke, a hijacked Boeing 767 slammed into the north tower of New York City’s World Trade Center. A second plane struck the south tower 18 minutes later. Other planes crashed in Washington, D.C., and western Pennsylvania. The attacks, organized by bin Laden, killed more than 3,000 people.“
The 1991 war against Iraq aka: Gulf War started by Bush 1. Bush 2 was upset that Hussein insulted his daddy, too.
Lazy Bush 2 spent plenty of time on vacation instead of being president. I always blamed his laziness on 9/11 along with decades long U.S. bad policy throughout the Mid-East.
Osama didn't create the plan. He approved it. Taking him out would change nothing since a new leader would have approved it.
Our allies, the Saudis knew Osama's location!
Like I wrote, plenty of blame for BOTH political parties.
Clinton's speech was irrelevant. He messed up by backing the wrong leader in Afghanistan. There was a pro-democracy leader who we should have supported, but didn't until it was too late.
But, I blame the Soviets most of all. Their meddling and invasion of Afghanistan ignited much of the terrorism.
This is the result of Cheney's War on Terror. There is no simple fix. Either we let their own people figure it out, or we stay there indefinitely. Both can have consequences.
Anyone blaming Biden or Trump for it is being a partisan ideologue.