jimmyjuliano12's Replies

they were too busy laughing at how dumb liberals are to shoot anyone imagine having a huge percentage of the population vaccinated and this country then turns into a "hotspot" whats scarier is that people still think the vaccine works. https://www.wsj.com/articles/israel-80-vaccinated-suffers-another-covid-19-surge-11628769603 islam is a stupid idea more deaths and cases than ever, that means get yourself vaccinated! it must be working! I'm intriged by the relationship that the left has with conspiracy theories. We had to believe that russian shapeshifting robots hacked voting machines, hacked facebook and in doing so hacking our brains making us vote for that monster trump! we had 4 years of these loony tune conspiracy theories, they were perfectly acceptable! Trump dares to suggest that there was voter fraud, and the left says "how dare you question the american democratic process! these things don't happen!" you people are batshit crazy. The liberal establishment wanted a radical progessive as president, they knew that america wouldn't vote for one, so they rolled biden out, they also stole the election. with crazy kamala it would have been too obvious that there was fraud. so they have biden as their candidate. Biden "wins" and the liberal establishment already know hes riddled with alzhimers. they know he won't last a year, and he'll step down and crazy kamala will be president. what gives it away is that the left wing press, cnn, msnbc and whoever else have stopped protecting biden, even they mention his mistakes and slip ups, why? so it doesn't come as a big shock when crazy kamala takes over. This was the plan from day one, only a loon wouldn't see it coming. we live in world thats so fucked up, that we've got a "cure" for something, and even when the cure is making the illness worse, the majority of the world continues to believe that it's working. You sound demented "Talking to the press, vice president Kamala Harris said, "Look, we can live with the beheadings, we just beg you please, respect these peoples preferred gender pronouns"" Biden is "safe" he was vice president, he's well known, he's been a part of america politics for decades, he seemed fairly moderate. not too dangerous. Trump would have beaten harris, america is still at heart a conversative country. they wanted harris to be president, but knew that middle america would never accept it. So joe becomes the candidate, he wins, they know he's not dealing with a full deck, they know his mental health is messed up, they've even stopped covering up and hiding his mistakes. biden lasts about a year, and "for the good of the country" he steps down. kamala becomes president. thats the plan, always was. Why is it such a crazy idea that these people actually stay in their countries and fix the problems they created? the problem is that in latin america, they know that they can vote for these crazy people, and when everything goes to shit, some european country or america, canada... will take them in. So they don't need to have any kind of responsabilty for their actions. i mean whats the end game? shouldn't it be for these countries to solve their problems and live well? or we're just gonna give these countries for dead and thats that? The average latino has no interest in solving his or her problems, the end game is to come here. and i'll never understand why thats some great virtue. Nobody is naturally immune, there are people, many people that have had covid more than once, and thats exactly why the "vaccine" doesn't work. you're assuming that covid is like chicken pox, once you have chicken pox, you'll never ever get it again. thats because there are antibodies. and a vaccine depends of these antibodies. my own father had covid in mid 2020, he recovered and tested positive again last month, even though he's recieved 2 doses of the vaccine. Theres no immunity, it's fiction. sshhhhhhhh!! don't say the truth! micheal moore made documentaries! in europe everything is perfect! the government give people massages! so this is what being brainwashed looks like..... The Black Expat - Home | Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com › thebla... The Black Expat. 3098 likes · 38 talking about this. The Black Expat is a multimedia platform focused on Black identity and international living. Since... The Tricky Allure of Becoming a Black American Expatriatehttps://www.theatlantic.com › archive 17 oct 2018 — For generations, African Americans have left the U.S. in search of ... When the story's main character—a black American expat who lives.... 9 Best Cities for Black Women to Live - Candace Abroadhttps://candaceabroad.com › best-ci... 25 jun 2020 — Seoul,black expat friendly city...... The term isn't a "white thing" blacks use it too, but when you're another race baiting racist, who cares right?! you call anything you don't like "misinformation", every comment you write is attacking someone, then you play the victim and ask for the moderators to step in? hahahaha what a fúcking fag.