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I think I’ve reach a fair compromise on the issue of immigration

First we seal up the border, then any immigrant who wants to come here only has to do two things: A) Not have a criminal record, B) Is willing to work, contribute to the system and pay taxes. As long as they can demonstrate both of those things they are allowed in along with their families (as long as they don’t have criminal records) automatically in a very short and smooth process. They aren’t put on a waiting list, they don’t have to memorize every US President, no strings attached. Once they commit a criminal act they are deported back to Central America and they can’t come back.

Then in return Mexico and Central America agrees to take all of our inmates who are serving felony sentences. They can either choose to put our criminals in their jails or let them go but they can’t come back. How does that sound?


Here's my plan:

First we seal up the border.


That's a good one, maybe this time they should seal the border up first and agree to do all the immigration deals and steals later on after the wall was complete, and of coarse forget about doing any of them.


What your asking is not a lot or impossible to do.

You have understand that enemies of America sponsor these carvans to overwhelm the border.

What the Democrats are doing at the border is beyond disgusting.
They are promoting a open border for over 3 central America countries.

And to go even lower. They transport these illegal aliens, many with covid around the country.

Its almost done strategically


That plan would bring in a billion people and destroy the country. No, I think we need to go in the opposite direction -- end all immigration for a 5 year moratorium period, during which we deal with the backlog of asylum cases and deportation orders, finish the wall and fully secure the borders. Then we can discussing the entry of new immigrants, subject to strict limitations.


The OP wants to deport all European, Asian, African, Canadian, etc. immigrants committing crime to Central America? Why would you do that when they're not from there?

The OP wants to deport American citizens? I have a better idea. Everyone who isn't indigenous to the Americas has to leave.

Native American Man Shuts up Anti-Immigrant Protesters in Arizona:


“Native Americans” aren’t indigenous to America either, their ancestors invaded America from Siberia by crossing the land bridge. I, as a white person (European ancestor) am just as “indigenous” as they are. But why only go back that far? All humans are invaders of continents, the first organisms that lived on land were plants and animals stole their land by evolving so they could crawl out of the oceans.

And I don’t care what race they are, all I care about is if they are productive, law abiding citizens. You want to import a bunch of immigrants, fine let’s do it, but just the law abiding ones and in return Central America can take our gang members, thugs and criminals. You want to import cartel members because that's the DemoKKKrat voting base.

But I can’t expect logic from the libtard who thinks that males are “half female”


Your quoting white supremacist ideology which alleviates European guilt over stealing and committing genocide against the Indigenous people aka: Native-Americans. And yes, they are Indigenous aka: first settlers to a land. They didn't invade anyone since they were here first, Einstein. And no, not ALL humans are invaders. You obviously don't know human history.

It's obvious you dislike Hispanics since they're the only focus of your diatribe. Furthermore, you're stereotyping Hispanics as criminals.

Right-wing media and politicians understand that many in the GQP hate and fear Hispanics. They use your bigotry to manipulate you by elevating your fear and hatred through their talking points and propaganda. People in constant fear and anger are easier to manipulate. Jan. 6th is an example of where that can lead.

A reality check for you:

1. Most illegal immigrants don't come across the border. They fly in and overstay.
2. Immigrants already have a background check.
3. Immigrants who commit crimes are routinely deported after they serve their sentence.

You need to watch a lot less right-wing media since it's keeping you ignorant and in a constant negative emotional state.

1. There is no DemoKKKrat, therefore you're not rational. The KKK supports your racist, xenophobic GQP party. You're the one hating on Hispanics, not me.
2. Your gaslighting attempt by purposely misrepresenting a former topic demonstrates your lack of honesty and integrity as well as your desperation.


"Most illegal immigrants don't come across the border. They fly in and overstay."

Post a link to the manifest that schedules out all the illegal aliens in the country and how each arrived.


If you pay me a salary.


There is no evidence to support your assertion.


Show me the money!


Pew Research Center has shit tons of money. And they admit all they have are estimates and models.

Pew probably gets a shit ton of money from the Davos crowd, Chik-Fil-A, and everybody who gives money to Lindsay Graham and every other champion of the working poor.


That link was completely irrelevant to our discussion. Stay focused!


Then provide a link to the source that you say supports your assertion that "Most illegal immigrants don't come across the border. They fly in and overstay."


Show me the money.


Please show me the white supremacist ideology I’m quoting. Also what’s your definition of white supremacist? Because today it seems to be anyone who didn’t vote for Joe Biden.

They weren’t the first settlers, plants were so therefore they aren’t indigenous. All animals are invaders by your logic, animals originally lived in the ocean (our ancestors) and then they crawled out and invaded land which was already colonized by plants. The problem with your premise is you only want to go far back enough in time to support your poorly thought out premise, if you go back even further then your premise falls flat on it’s stupid face. Also there wasn’t a country established dumbass.

Please show me what I said that indicates that I hate Hispanics

There is such thing as a demokkkrat and you are a member of their cult

Uhhh turn on the news and not the fake news CNN, thousands of illegals are coming across our border unchecked and many have Covid. Can it Sith your lies and misinformation, the border crisis is very much real


"They weren’t the first settlers, plants were so therefore they aren’t indigenous."

You're gaslighting. I won't waste my precious time on such nonsense.

If you wish to have a serious debate on a political issue, then adjust your behavior.


You are a speciesist, humans invaded North America and took the land away from the plants and the indigenous animals. The people you identify as “Native Americans” even killed them and ate them.


Precious time? Hahahaha!!! Time spent sitting on your welfare ass, spreading racism, antisemitism and lies isn't precious at all.

There's no such thing as a serious debate with you, Komrade Keelai. You reject EVERY truth and fact if it doesn't line up with your fringe kook, leftist agenda. GTFO.


The West ( Europe, Britain, Ireland, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand ) need to wake up to a clear threat to the existence of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic people through unregulated "multi-cultural" mass immigration. They are well down the path to becoming minorities in their own countries, of no longer having homelands. And if you think that doesn't matter and "We are all one !" just ask the Jews how not having their own homeland worked out for them.


Eh I don’t care if we live in a “multi cultural” society, the only people who truly care about race are libtards and skinheads. That is why I don’t have a problem letting in immigrants who want to work hard and obey the law. So if we are going to take care of immigrants then the countries sending us those immigrants should take our criminals, it makes perfect sense.


Eh I don’t care if we live in a “multi cultural” society...

Then you are foolish and short sighted.


How so? For judging people on their actions instead of their skin color?


Thanks for confirming that you are a racist (not that it wasn’t already blatantly obvious)


Define racism.


You should know


Yes I know what my definition of racism is and as you have labelled me as a racist I want to know what your definition of racism is.


Just look deep inside yourself and you will find your answer


What are you afraid of ? Just tell me what you think racism is.


I already explained, you being too stupid to understand is a you problem


You haven't explained anything. Saying this

judging people on their actions instead of their skin color

could be called an aspect of racism but it is not by any means a definition of racism itself.

So you called me a racist but you refuse to define what you understand racism to be. So I guess you are either too stupid to do it or you are too much of a coward to do it.


Again I don’t have the time nor the patience to explain this to you multiple times. My advice is to go educate yourself away from your cult.


Haven't got the time !? Oh yes I can see your far to busy faffing around on these boards to be able to spare fifteen minutes to define racism. You idiot.


I’ve already made it quite clear to you shit for brains. You are trolling me by arguing that 2+2 doesn’t equal 4 and I don’t have the time for that.


Oh I am trolling you ! You're not very good at this are you.


You absolutely are trolling me. Search your feelings and find yourself you will


It might appeal to some, but it will never happen and you know it. There are so many legal and Constitutional issues to denying someone their citizenship rights that will just never happen, or even be considered. Like to waste your time much?


Your rights can be taken away with due process, just like how convicted felons can’t own guns


I have seen how you argue and call people names ... nah-uh, no thanks. Something wrong with you.


Just giving your fellow libtards a taste of their own medicine. If you can’t take it then don’t dish it out


I have no fellow libtards ... and it is quite retarded of you to assume that or say that.


Naw you do, just take a good, hard look at the audience at your next cult meeting.


I don't attend Trump rallies.


There’s no such thing as a Trump cultist. The Libtard “hate Trump” cult however is a very real thing.


I think you are confused with Patriots who actually have the nerve to believe that the government should serve the people they represent (yeah seriously such a radical idea, LOL).


Why is it such a crazy idea that these people actually stay in their countries and fix the problems they created? the problem is that in latin america, they know that they can vote for these crazy people, and when everything goes to shit, some european country or america, canada... will take them in.

So they don't need to have any kind of responsabilty for their actions. i mean whats the end game? shouldn't it be for these countries to solve their problems and live well? or we're just gonna give these countries for dead and thats that?

The average latino has no interest in solving his or her problems, the end game is to come here. and i'll never understand why thats some great virtue.


I agree with everything you said, I was just trying to reach a compromise with the DemoKKKrats who claim that because we don’t want open borders that that means we just hate Hispanics. Clearly we don’t, we just shouldn’t have to take in drug dealers, child traffickers and rapists. Since the Demokkkrats on here aren’t rallying behind my idea that must mean that their outrage over the idea of a sealed border isn’t about race at all.


We need 30 ft bullet proof crocs with frickin lasers on their heads in the largest moat ever built in the history of the world.


I am onboard with that.
