MovieChat Forums > Politics > Afghanistan’s new state TV

Afghanistan’s new state TV

Mariam Memarsadeghi @memarsadeghi
Aug 29
This is #Afghanistan’s new state TV. Deranged-looking Taliban gunmen standing behind the anchor. “Peace Studio” sign above them. Beyond Orwellian. Not just propaganda, it’s terror. Meanwhile Biden admin is (still) politely asking Taliban to show good behavior. Unconscionable.


"Talking to the press, vice president Kamala Harris said, "Look, we can live with the beheadings, we just beg you please, respect these peoples preferred gender pronouns""


Did they show the footage of the Taliban in one of our Blackhawks, dangling the man they murdered from it?

A neat little factoid: The Taliban now has more Blackhawks than the Australian military and they didn't even have to pay for them!

If YOU voted for Biden, YOU are responsible for this.


Twitter as a news source? LOL!


She's a journalist, retard!


And yet I'm smarter than you!

She's not a journalist and your commenting on a foreign language video without any knowledge of its context is comical.
