MovieChat Forums > acidraindrop > Replies
acidraindrop's Replies
ohhhh okay gotcha. I thought it was just a shameless inclusion.
No, what matters is that you're backpedaling and lying to ppl under the guise of actual discussion.
<blockquote>You say Lydia deserved to die because she was a meth distributor. By the same logic, Walter deserved to die because he was meth producer who (at times) had involvement with distribution. </blockquote>
Your reply:
<blockquote>Walt did what he did for his family, he didn’t want the money, he wanted his children to, there’s a difference</blockquote>
That's the conversation. That was your argument. That Walt did all of this for his family. But he didn't. So your argument's worthless.
What the other guy said. He didn't regenerate.
That said, I thought he died again, and then the timeline doesn't even match up.
I'm starting to wonder if OP is a troll. Or does he just happen to take the most outlandish opinions without having the proper way to defend them.
You stated that Walt did what he did for his family. That's your actual line up there.
It's an objective fact by his own admission that he did NOT do all of this for his family, as the other guy quoted.
It doesn't matter if his actions objectively resulted in positive benefits for his family.
It added more flavor to the story than hank's wife being a klepto, so I'd question the klepto part first.
Oh, when I said "appearance", I was commenting on the buffonery/comic relief aspect you observed. I was like wait, this is the dude from Tokyo Drift right? WTF are these scenes lol.
But yeah, I most likely will check out Tokyo Drift one of these days. At the time, it just felt so random, and I just never found enough incentive to come back to it.
Yes, a bowlcut is pandering to the LGBTQ community.
Not really. Although most of the audience in this thread, including OP, do seem to be idiots because they missed out on key plot points on how the monsters worked.
You and the other guy both need hobbies.
If you think life has no value, you really gotta get out more.
do indicate that what example of sensitivity in the movie that implies that they'd DEFINITELY be able to hear heartbeats.
Yep...we even have a trope name now based on this phenomenon. OP's worried that Hollywood's ruining a franchise that he never watched.
You do realize he was in other things than Breakfast Club right?
Yeah, OP's making more fanfiction than your typical tumblr user.
Cipher's gonna hack the moon next movie to bring it crashing into earth to create her new world order. The ghost of Mr. Nobody is gonna recruit the fast gang for one last job, train them into astronauts, and they'll be on a breakneck chase scene on the surface of the moon to infiltrate Cipher's moonbase (that can only be accessed by the ground, and only cars of their speed can bypass the radars). This will lead to a massive climax where the moon splits in two, revealing Sentinel Prime, which sets the stage for Tyrese's crossover idea. This confirms of the Fast/Formers multiverse, and we'll see two Tyreses in the next spin off film: Tyrese of Two Earths.
I mean to be fair, most of the recurring cast are different than when they first appeared.
But I kid, I'll be honest; I never saw Tokyo Drift, but I was also caught off guard by his appearance. Because I found it hard to believe that that character we saw was the lead for an entire movie.
OP is a crazy person, but he literally just spelled out very accurately why the two circumstances are not identical.
The healing of the spine injury with a nice, well timed punch is ridiculous.
Bruce being able to return to civilization and obtain the clean slate on the way is well within the feats that have been established in the trilogy.
God, I hate to see what action flicks you actually love.
Glad someone else remembered/realized this.
Or someone just hasn't paid attention enough to the movie to realize that this effectively comes up in the movie.
Hans already realized that executing hostages didn't seem to affect McClane, so why bother to use up the leverage until necessary not to mention, risk drawing the ire of the police outside.