MovieChat Forums > Tonyharrison > Posts
Tonyharrison's Posts
I know a man who warns his adolescent son not to date feminists. Should I say anything?
Who do you think is the biggest dickhead/douche bag on the internet?
"Jordan Peterson is a good role model for young men." Agree or disagree?
Which obscure actor do you think deserved an Oscar for their performance?
A question for HarveyManFredSin and any other liberals.
Which lines from movies made you laugh out loud?
If you were on death row, what would you want for your last meal?
"Having a wedding is a waste of time and money." Agree or disagree?
Do you agree or disagree with the Nordic model for prostitution?
Should Bosnia's "rape hotel" be shut down?
Did this movie disturb you as a child?
What was your favourite scene?
Why do you think he saw himself as a child at the birthday party?
Is she secretly attracted to transgender women?
Why can't he just joke about cancel culture?
Do pornographic cinemas really have snack bars?
Could Zed have afforded Grace (his chopper) on a security guard's salary?
How would Sy cope doing time?
After being convicted of murdering his own wife, would have Andy been a marked man?
Should you show this movie to your children as drug education?