MovieChat Forums > CommonSense > Replies
CommonSense's Replies
I would've been fine if the dogs foot got caught in trap. Now that makes sense. But they needed the dog for more of the movie.
I was wondering more about the rock she fell on. I honestly thought she stabbed the cat with the spear as she fell and cat launched at her. But later we find out thats not true.
I hate that as well. I dont like stuff overly repeated or stuffed down my throat.
Im ok with female leads as much as guy leads, but lets make the roles believable and good.
Like I haven't and won't watch Queen Latifah's equalizer series. Seriously? A woman of her size is this bad ass equalizer. Come on man
Yeah, beavers tails much heavier and much lower to ground
Thinking of it as a bizarre movie, it was ok. A 1 time only watch.
As a total, not a very good movie at all.
Just say no to drugs
If you find out a logical answer to this, let me know. I'll do the same, lol
Hollywood. That's their explanation, lol
Even though if your on a movie/tv show discussion board you should be aware there's a good chance of spoilers in any post.
It was ok. Slowly getting worse. But mostly from me not liking the direction of the story
I honestly think your exaggerating my words.....
Ted bundy shouldn't have gotten help. Or any other serial killer. Which they didnt get help. Their acts were beyond rehabilitation. Any terrorist/bombers fall in same line.
Not all criminals fall in the category though.
Btw, im not a simpleton. I never said anything about a easy path.
No i dont care about a fictional history. As you said, its fictional. It could be anything the writers made up. Your the one holding onto it.
Ive seen way worst.
How bout the general in twd. 1 full season plus 6 or so more in another season.
Plenty of other shows that are far more drawn out and far less compelling
Its really good. One of the better shows ive seen in awhile. If you like great indepth story with lots of twist this is a great show.
If you like fake shoot them up or fake action scenes then this isn't the show for you. Its a indepth show with thinking and a slower burn
I ended up finishing it on hulu. Thx though
I dont do comic books. They're ridiculous imho. Dont mind people that do though. Whatever people find entertaining is up to them.
I really dont care what history shows he's done before because it only proves 2 things.
1. he just makes things harder on himself.
2. The biggest thing, tons of innocent people get hurt or killed by this. Im more worried, and so should he be, that tons of innocent people get hurt or killed by him saving or not killing a villain.
When they crawled outta car after 10 hours i thought, "why all a sudden you getting out now. It didn't land. How did you know how long to stay in before you get out".
Theres all kinds of these moments through the movie. Others mentioned a few, heres another.
Nate has breakthrough where gold is, somehow Sulli is right behind. The bad guys are right behind that. WTAF
Im currently watching it for my first time now. 32 minutes in. Its rather hard to stay focus and watch so far. He's fighting with venom in apartment currently. Pretty stupid scene.
I agree with you on the jokes not landing. I haven't laughed yet. Found pretty stupid. I don't like the story direction so far either. Boring.
So, Venom protects Eddy from all kinds of things at i high speed, high rate, but he couldn't keep a human being from biting Eddy? Come on, who we trying to kid here.
And one drop of blood from venom can make you that incredible. If 1 drop is that strong, then the entirety of venom would be godly vs carnage. Sorry, just doesn't make sense. Probably why i never really got into comics. Too much nonsense
Im all those things, yet I haven't needed to swear at you. You've been off key this entire time. How am i the deranged idiot?
Your hopeless. Maybe go read my other threads. Im not here to mock people, troll people or anything. But when they are tools like yourself, then yeah im gunna respond. In however way i feel fit. Since you didn't catch me mocking you cuz im supposedly the idiot and your so intellectually superior than me, i continued mocking you. Yet you being so intelligent and im such an idiot, i needed to explain it to you. You've been so far off base since your very first comment that i don't care to actually discuss anything with you. But its neat to see your next comment.
Now, pump the breaks here. Go way back to the beginning. You harped on me for calling Otter a idiot and stuff. Ok, now put yourself in my shoes. You posted your opinion on your created thread. And someone responds with "no power, bitch please". Thats immature, that's idiotic and uncalled for. So once that was said, i didnt give a crap what else was said. Nobody should. Nobody will talk to me like that and not get some negative comment back. Then you message me all about the story crap. I careless about the story at that point.
Also, when i gave you a version of the ending, it was my opinion and I didn't really think alot about it. I was being nice just giving something quick. It didn't meet your approval and you've been a immature douche about it. Yes i respond to you with names cuz you've earned them by your actions. Cannot have an intellectual conversation/discussion with a closed off dictator.
No, its because you think your way is the only way and if its not your way, then you think your intellectually superior. Your too caught up on what you see and can't wrap your mind around something outside the box. You seem very intelligent, but seem to lack the "think outside the box" skill.
You been preaching about discussing the movie, but I've been mocking you the entire time cuz i didn't like how you approached me in your very first message. Yet your stuck on thinking we are trying to discuss a movie.
Now this should sound familiar cuz you said it to me about when Otter explained more than he needed to. But here it goes, "i had to tell you im mocking you pretty much this whole time, which I shouldn't of had to cuz it was rather apparent, but i did anyhow".
I didn't totally agree with Lance below as far as the movie part goes, but he didn't come across as a tool. And i understood what he was saying and agree with his real world points.