MovieChat Forums > CommonSense > Replies
CommonSense's Replies
Ragnarok was good i thought, but this movie was way over saturated as you mentioned
Agreed on all of that.
I also really dislikes the dialogue with the weapons as they have thoughts and opinions.
And what is it with now everyone can pick up (or drag)Thors weapon. Im talking his ax, not the Hammer and Jane thing. That was explained.
Tried to do too much and out do Ragnarak was the issue in my opinion.
I really disliked all the dialogue with the weapons as they have thoughts & feelings.
This Thor was certainly the worse of all the Thor movies.
You see alot of comedy sequels that were never as good as the original. If you go back and watch them you'll notice most generally the sequel has more jokes/comedy in it. So movie gets overly saturated by it. Also the fact they force the comedy scenes more to 1 up the previous film. Add those together and its too much.
I feel sorry for people that know her.
And i agree, how is she a star of show after just 3 episodes.
I understand it. I still dont see the problem. Weed use to be illegal everywhere, and soooo very bad for ya. Now it isnt. My point is man made rules can be silly and overboard. Peoples reactions can be extreme and overboard. If a boss uses there position to basically blackmail, then its wrong. Just simple asking questions or dating isnt. Just over sensitive society people now days. Gotta hold everyone's hands because we are SOFT
I seen a headline or 2 but never read into any of it. I dont really see the issue in it. But then again, im not overly sensitive about questions or drama. I mean, men ask women out, women ask men out, friends ask new people to hang out, but god forbid if your a couple you cant ask a 3rd person to join. Its the same answer you give to any other scenario. Yes, no, not interested, not my thing, let me think about it, im im married or im in a relationship.
This is the problem with the world now days. To much drama over nothing. gotta put on social media. Need everyone to know about it. Need to be liked, etc etc.
Now, if you get asked again 1 or 2 more times, is that persistent or creepy? Well, that again is discretion. One person may think its persistent and like that. Im sure everyone knows at least 1 long time married couple that either the male or female didnt take the first no and quit. They kept trying. But these days if that happens to someone that isnt into persistent they post how creepy it is on social media and gather band wagoners.
Pretty sad times we live in these days. Gotta feel sorry for the children and grandchildren growing up in this type of world. Anyone 30+ should be ashamed of how we allowed this to happen. How would our parents or more importantly grandparents feel. So very Sad
My question wasnt a real question. It was a rhetorical question. Thats why i didnt think you understood.
Just simply having other heroes in a movie isnt heroes coming to help out in a world crisis. Mostly its a extended cameo for other heroes. Hulk in thor wasnt a hero coming to help. But was where you see heroes teaming up to take on the villain. And a few here and there isnt how it would actually be. Its as i said, "Most" the movies dont.
My point is if theres a world crisis, in reality more super heroes would be responding. Maybe not all, maybe not as avengers grouping, just more heroes wanting to stop earth from ending, being taken over, destroyed, etc.
I also mentioned i understand how it would be hard for a studio to be able to do this.
Yeah, really?. I missed both. NOT. I mean, come on. Idk if your just being ignorant to be so or you don't understand what i even said If you don't understand what someones saying, either ask for clarification or dont reply.
I sure hope not
I thought maybe someone held a gun to their head. But 3 seasons of it. Whats wrong with enough people watching it that it hasnt been cancelled. That scares me the most. Literally, thats scary crap.
I hear you. I never looked up what show was about. I saw jason momoa and tribe looking setting and wanted to watch show. It began as you mentioned and i was like "What", but i kept it going to just see if maybe my judgement is wrong. Show is terrible. I got into episode 4 before quitting. I started in evening, wasnt going to start another series so late. I played on phone with it in background, but was still bored to death by it, lol. You sure missed how another blind tribe kept getting ahead/the drop on Jason Momoa's group though. LMAO, just kidding. You did right, what a waste
Thats a great point. Theres soo much wrong with the idea of this show my head spins. Got 4ish episodes in and quit. Only reason i got that far is i started it 1 evening and didnt want to start another series so i just left it on as i played my mobile games.
Id tell people its good. Its worth seeing if they have enough spare time, but id recommend better.
Black Adam has the advantage against Superman because superman is weak against magic. Virtually useless against someone as strong as Black Adam with magic. In all fairness i dint see how Superman can defeat Black Adam, but he always finds a way to win no matter how insane or ridiculous it is.
I thought watching her sexy and hotness is only thing worth seeing during movie. The idea and plot of these movies suck. Yet i force myself to watch. I cannot complain, review or critique movies if i didn't watch them.
I agree with you.
Main poster doesn't even seem to like musicals, yet watched this movie. Maybe they watched it because of the actors, but no matter the actor, its still a musical and a person wont like it if not into musicals.
Im not saying it's true for him, but i have met a few guys over the years that fit what he's saying.
I also dont at all support his comment.
I support woman. I also support logical and rational people of all colors, shapes, sizes and gender. I dont hate on Queen Latifah though. Except the part that she accepted the role. She should've known herself she wouldn't fit the bill. She didn't cast herself to the role though, just didn't use logic or rational when accepting
I haven't even watched a episode. I never will. When i first heard about the show being made i was interested, but then i read Queen Latifah was going to be the equalizer. Lost all interest. How the hell are people going to be interested in a woman of her size being some bad ass. Seriously? Lets face it, a woman will never be as bad ass as a guy as far as this goes. Then add in Queen Latifah's physique. You gotta be kidding me. Lmao
"They cant even open a jar", lmfao. Great one. I wont go that far, cuz some women can, but i understand the point.