CommonSense's Replies

Accidentally deleted this. But here it is again. So, I'm a idiot because my opinion is different than yours? Because I won't reason with what you want? I didn't say anything thats not true, i said something that you don't agree with and you continue throw a fit over it. Your acting like I don't get what the stories about. I didn't agree with their direction. That doesn't mean i don't understand the story. Why don't you settle down before you hurt yourself. And my world has changed soo much, what shall i do. Take back calling me a idiot. I can't stand the stress & pressure from everyone at my door thinking I'm an idiot. Its too much. Make it stop. Oh wait, its just you. And I'm sure you have Otter in your corner. Idk, why are you wasting your time? Im not trying to change your mind and convert you. But you sure are trying with me and because I won't, im the bad guy, I won't reason with a dictator, I'm the idiot. Makes a whole lot of sense to me. I understand where your getting at. Well said to be honest. Alot of good points. When i said the ending was hurried and lazy is because the entire movie had a lot of slow & descriptive story as it went along. Then she kills Desi and they hurry through it. They hurry from there on out. Thats where i felt they got lazy. But its more like they probably were trying to make a certain run time and if they didn't cut corners, the run time woulda been too long. To me its not as realistic as you say though. Because they leave out detail. I can't tell you how the public would swing after all the details. People would have drawn thoughts & conclusions like the detective did. That her story doesn't fit, it has holes. But the story telling just swept that under the rug. I called him a idiot and internet tough guy from the way he spoke to me. Had nuttin to do with accepting or not accepting what he said. You needing me to explain that really? And expect me to listen to anything intangible from you. Right. You bark at me about not accepting or changing my opinion, yet why dont you take some of your own advice. I find that funny about people. See it in religion and religious people. My gods better than yours, if you don't try to change my way then your wrong Credibility from who or what? I don't care who likes me or agrees with me. I give my opinion as you do. Thats your opinion theres no ending for either of them. There's plenty of endings. My biggest point is she wouldn't have gotten away with killing nph as she did. That was all a joke that went down hill from there I don't blame ya. Id have to watch the movies to give every "bs" thing ive seen. But just off top of the head. 1. Tanks do go pretty fast now days, but they still ain't keeping up with a car. 2. Dom catching Letty smacking back into a windshield and walked away with zero pain. (I honestly don't think you'd walk away, but I can't be sure on that part, but you'd certainly be sore). 3. 2 cars dragging a huge vault down the road. They would even move it. (Yes i know they had wheels under it to shoot the scene and it wasn't a actual vault. But even with wheels under a actual vault, you weren't sliding it side to side and around corners, once it got going off course it would drag the cars that way, not cars drag it). 4. The going through skyscraper and from one to another is a joke. Could you set it up to be plausible yes, but could you in real time know how fast, where to aim, etc. Thats a hard NO 5. Super cars on ice getting around like nothing. No No No Theres alot more. But its been years since ive watched them. Once is enough. Pretty much yup. Plus ive already seen 8, whats 1 more. Been using that thought since #6. Maybe I didn't explain this, but my reason to watch movies is i will not make comments on something I haven't seen. Even if im rather sure the next one will suck, I can't comment or discuss it with people that have unless i watched it. And are you telling me that in your whole life you haven't done anything you knew you wouldn't like? And then complain about it afterward? Idk if i ever met someone that can say No to that. Saw your comment. I enjoyed the movie as well. But I've never cared for all the thanking God in sports. Some Reasons why: 1. God supposedly doesn't interfere with our everyday achievements, failures, if we are gunna die or not die etc. 2. People are in control of themselves, their faults, achievements & failures etc. 3. People are born with all kinds of different gifts passed down genetically. (Some examples; athletic, smart, sense of humor, determined, optimistic, pessimist, realist etc). This is just a small sample size. But to thank God for ones achievements is grossly miscalculated. Themselves, others in their life, opportunities are the reason of their success. Now, if you have a strong belief in God/religion and that belief kept you on the "straight & arrow" so to speak. Now i can get on board with that thought process, but that still is NOT God's doing. Thats on the individual themselves. And lastly, lets not forget that not all athletes have same religious beliefs or same immortal being they believe/warship in. So again, i absolutely hate when athletes point up at sky or thank God. He's not the reason for their success I will say the kirstie alley episodes are a slight upgrade over the diane ones. I don't find alley nearly as attractive as most people seem to place her as and im not a big fan of her acting much either. But the entire Diane/Sam story line was too much that it became irritating and awful. Im in season 10 now. Im getting there, lol. Might not get to finish, looks like Hulu is dropping show soon. Im guessing at end of month. Idk though That is a very good point that people complain about an ending but don't offer up how they'd end it. Honestly, its not our jobs to write the ending or come up with one. Its ok to disagree with something and not need an explanation for it. As far as i go, I didn't like the ending and I haven't put a ton of thought into how I'd end it. I think they rushed the ending. I think Nick shoulda been hated by people because he was a cheater, yet sympathetic to him for thinking he killed Amy & for dealing with her. Amy should've went to prison and labeled a psychopath. Lol. Internet idiot & tough person. Never ran into one before. Oh my, what shall i do next. Its a wonder why imdb shut its forums down. Hmmm, if i could just put my finger on the reason. I swear its on the tip of my tongue. I prefer to devote my life to guns, ammo, my own home and reality. I disagree. She had no power. Yes the movie tries portraying that. But she didn't. Her so called rape by Desi. So she had to delete footage. Which they'd know happened. Why would Desi need to delete it if she was tied up. Kinda convenient all the footage is only what shes telling. Everything else deleted. Plus what she didn't delete she wasnt tied up. So why stay. If killing was that easy, alot of murderers would be going scott free. He stayed because of his child. Not terror. I didn't even watch the end, but i remember it. He stayed cuz she was pregnant with his child. I didn't read book so I can't talk about that. I probably should read the book. Great picture. Theres soo many sequences that were bad there. Him falling under guy was the worst first part. How the zombies were coming in surrounding them, how zombies were in different places in each different view, how guy fell after shooting self in head, how Glen fell and then somehow he's under the guy. He crawls under dumpster and seriously waits zombies out and they have no clue hes there. Im sure im missing pieces. Been a long time since seeing that. I've thought they got progressively worse from 5 on. Now about #2. By far the storyline of 2 is horrible. Worst than any other in series. I will say that. But from 5 on the action in movies have gotten so bad your laughing at the implausible bull crap they are trying to sell as entertaining. Anyone that thinks thats entertaining should be evaluated. The action in 5 & on is far worse than the action in the second one. F1 very good? I can't put it that high. But its good and I've seen several times. F5 and on I've seen once only. I thought they took each movie since F3 and just kept adding over the top stuff each & every sequel to follow. More than it being cartoonish. And the studio had made monster bucks since paul walker passed. But they needed to stop after F4 imho I was laughing at most the action scenes. If thats suppose to happen, then I'll give you "its serviceable". Otherwise this movie was more garbage than the rest of the garbage after F4. Go ahead and throw in F2 with the garbage. F4 is "serviceable".