MovieChat Forums > Hybrid66 > Replies
Hybrid66's Replies
A door so silent that not even the audience heard it.
It is a more cerebral and slower film than today's [mostly] dumb and crap movies for teens.
I think the egg scene could have racked up more tension with theme background music and more of Lambert urging them to get outta there.
So what?
REAL LIFE doesn't have a calculated PC ratio of people in each room/ job/ planet!
Yes, I thought I'd taken drugs!!!
How the fuck does a pre-pubescent know he's ANYTHING??
Talk about rampant, Stalinist brainwashing Child abuse - thin end of the paedophilia wedge
They looked like a useless bunch of millenial c*nts - all attitude and tantrums, no brains or balls.
Racist FBI Hoover's sinister COINTELPRO campaign.
Churchill made very public statements about it- including to Congress.
He was British, however, born and raised here. Next
Yes! Lol
Oh it DID...
Yes, but what can we expect when the three surviving members of the band were involved in the film project?
Yanks getting it all wrong again?
Good theory, I was thinking that they'd introduce many actors as ''00'''s in the same film?
Trump is a dumb c*nt.
His 'followers' are reTArDeD neo nazis
Just a pair on PC dikes
Clapton's a racist cunt
"Fish and finger pie"
He did, I saw it too.