Hybrid66's Replies

A door so silent that not even the audience heard it. It is a more cerebral and slower film than today's [mostly] dumb and crap movies for teens. I think the egg scene could have racked up more tension with theme background music and more of Lambert urging them to get outta there. So what? REAL LIFE doesn't have a calculated PC ratio of people in each room/ job/ planet! Yes, I thought I'd taken drugs!!! How the fuck does a pre-pubescent know he's ANYTHING?? Talk about rampant, Stalinist brainwashing Child abuse - thin end of the paedophilia wedge They looked like a useless bunch of millenial c*nts - all attitude and tantrums, no brains or balls. Racist FBI Hoover's sinister COINTELPRO campaign. Churchill made very public statements about it- including to Congress. He was British, however, born and raised here. Next Yes! Lol Oh it DID... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OcaKTsqBv4 Yes, but what can we expect when the three surviving members of the band were involved in the film project? Yanks getting it all wrong again? Good theory, I was thinking that they'd introduce many actors as ''00'''s in the same film? Trump is a dumb c*nt. His 'followers' are reTArDeD neo nazis They're NOT.FUCKIN.FUNNY Just a pair on PC dikes Proof? Clapton's a racist cunt None "Fish and finger pie" https://brobible.com/culture/article/adolf-hitler-declassified-cia-report/ He did, I saw it too.