Hybrid66's Replies

Most silly birds are there for their looks, zero talent required. More so for the fat orange pedo? And neurotic, materialistic Yanks being Yanks, the parents would have sued them into oblivion. I deffo remember Hackman as the avenger. EDIT- It was with Pacino in Scarecrow (1973) That was recent, though I agree. And it's called a discussion board, for those morons who dislike opinions. Fuck off. No, first will be the military grade application. Second will be the consumer market for sex 'toys'. Repost the original pic and explain why Oz is fascist. I know they're a racist bunch of c*nts, but still. Yes, lol. What a country of disturbing morons. Yet another middle aged Yank Barbie wannabe, just like half of the hilarious airhead news readers. No, because Yanks can't spell CEMETERY. Or anything else. Ah, pathetic little nazi gayboy at mummy's house, jealously ranting about talented black players? Diddums, maybe you'll attract someone who likes you one day... And not forgetting Ingrid Pitt. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2010/11/25/arts/PITT-obit/PITT-obit-jumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp Always fancied her... And Valerie Leon... http://t0.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcQgIh-DbnupWc7D5kSb_1_r_qmmTWUaPQxPzee9RKeAbyKBRyocoaU5C-_Jo3EJc5MjWinP3ad4wt3vGLg [quote]She seems quite pretentious, stuck-up, and arrogant.[/quote] I bet she is. But she's old - it's young women that seem arsey, charmless and humourless. I bet they are lapping it up! (Millenials, huh?) And in other tracks, including drum rolls, etc. And the fascism they use to be more equal than equal. Transvestites brainwashing young children is paedophilia