Hybrid66's Replies

[quote]Has a real victim complex, always the one hard done by[/quote] Isn't that most sourfaced and whining bitches now? I agree, nasty, talentless and fucking hypocritical. What is it with famous fuckin' c*nts? America has always been drowning in vile racism and APARTHEID. Your country is lost morally. Good luck, Mel. And be extremely careful not to be ''suicided''. Freemason Pedo's in Hollywood/ Politics/ etc are very powerful, organised and will kill to protect their vile pedo/occult practices. [quote]He is really special and massively talented. Way ahead of his time.[/quote] Lol, and Vengaboys are as well, I guess? And Kilroy, Trisha and Vanessa that copied them and ended in controversy. West = spineless simps and pretentious eunuchs and dykes. Aussies are racist and trog-like regarding sensibilities anyway Doesn't matter, this pile of shit will make million$$$ just like it's equally childish B-movies. Good. Lol. I thought she was... 'boyish' There are plenty of extremist alphabet rainbow salaried people (not everyday gay people) enforcing their agenda aggressively upon us all, regardless of what you say, or how. Stalinists. And many gay people are HETEROphobic. Well, the BBC are fuckin paedophile-hiding hypocrites. They (the BBC and most staff and stars) nearly all knew about Savile etc etc. MI5, running blackmail psy-ops against Politicians etc, and Police covered for Savile as they did for the Parliament/Freemason organised paedo rings. Nick LOOKS ancient. Yes, true! Arse-ula Undress. Feminist crap. Reality - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4454964/Female-rulers-27-likely-wage-WAR-males.html Yeah, I really wanted them to escape and meet up with other survivors somewhere. It probably conned the Yank audiences - used to car chases and people shouting the message home every 3 seconds. Even the studio behind 'The Madness of King George' dropped 'III' because Yanks would think it's a sequel! Lol I have been working on it and, using Movavi (purchased) I've toned down the 'redness' of that scene and tinkered with it in other ways. Fanedit guys can probably do more amazing professional things.